Category: Uncategorized


I really like this work of Kates. Although the task was to explore circles, I like how the work to me is equally about colours and textures. It is also nicely timed with a steady rhythm. I see the potential for this video to fit into a series of works.

Slogans for the Screenwriters wall

I went round to a friends new house last week. They had added their favourite quotes on the wall so I started thinking about what I would have on my wall, or where I would even source these quotes from (Instagram, of course).
Here are my two favourites from the reading and why:

‘Comedy is hard’ – I was planning my year 12 english strategies for perhaps my least favourite three hours of my life thus far. I picked the creative route. Perhaps the best advice I was given by my tall, stern, Irish teacher was “You’re not funny. Don’t try and write funny stories”. This was directed at the whole class, not just me but definitely drummed it into me – comedy is hard.

‘Every character is important’ – I agree. Ernt Lubitsch films reiterate the importance of secondary characters. They paint the film with extra colours and tones. I hope my work credits all characters.

Jasmines Lecture


It’s easy in this course to relate it to what you watched on TV.

I’ve been watching a new Netflix series “Orange is the New Black”.
Basically a show that follows the lives of women in prison. There is no room for wallflowers, introverts or nice guys.
Despite never being in a prison myself the show delivers what one would imagine. The women are not pretty and their are definitely no ‘nice guys’. Each character
Piper, the protagonist is a white, upper-class woman, with a soap business that gets caught up in drugs and lands herself in prison.
In the lecture I thought, ‘surely a show could have a wallflower in it. That could make for interesting TV.”
Piper is advised to stay towards the edges.

However that is what makes this show interesting. The times when Piper the quiet, blonde female bursts. When the nice lady becomes angry, when the introvert becomes and extrovert, when she although often unintentionally draws full attention to herself.
That makes it a great story.

Goals, desires of Film-TV1

My desires.
I suppose there is the stock-standard written answer for this.
“I want to grow as a young filmmaker, to get more skills and learn to work to strict deadline.”
naturally, I would assume everyone completing a media degree would want those things. However, my desire for Film-TV1 is to get through the semester without going bananas. Is that morbid?

I hope this post does not sound sarcastic. I genuinely want to make work I am proud of and I very much enjoy studying film and TV. However I am also very realistic. Logistically, this subject will be very difficult. Robin already affirmed this in our first tute. I suppose my goal is quite simple; the stress of the task is a test in itself and I hope to be able to rise above, to sacrifice when necessary…

…and to grow as a young filmmaker.

Extreme Love

I was advised to watch this video from a close friend.

The only other Louis Theroux documentary I’d seen was on pedophiles, so I knew it would be pretty heavy stuff.

This documentary was close to what I consider the perfect representation of autism.

Autism is difficult to describe because two people that have it can have completely different characterists. Introverts and extroverts, the silents and the loud, the placid and the violent; autism is all encompassing.

I think thats why this documentary is so good. Sure, there is a central character however there are several other subplots, that are perhaps equally as resonant.

It’s so relatable, as a disorder. Frustration, anger, anxiety are all things we have felt, yet they feel them perhaps more extremely and more frequently.


My old blog

When I was about 16 I wrote a blog.

I really don’t like looking back. Of course I love a bit of reminiscing, nostalgia being one of my favourite experiences. I’ve had a very privileged life, I’ve done lots of travel and I have some beautiful friends. However, regardless there is always a cringe factor involved when delving into your past. Whether you look at your hair, your clothes, your interests or your behaviours. Even remembering a mindset or opinion that I have an opposite view of now.

Now this cringe does not even simply occur when looking at my 16 year old self. This occurs when I even look at myself a year ago. Everyone says your teenage years are when you change, when you “discover yourself”. But that period has never stopped for me. I look back to a year ago and I value completely different things, and these values are still changing and will continue to change I’m sure.

If life is anything like the HBO series Girls, then we continue to grow, learn and change well into our 20’s and 30’s.

I suppose this is why I struggle with my blog. Its all about honesty which I have done my best to do, however it concretes this evidence of your once. I suppose a blog is the modern version of daggy photo where you are sporting board shorts to the knee, a visor, a low ponytail and puppy fat.

Lululemon Factory Outlet

I am a massive fan of the sports brand Lululemon. There clothes are such good quality however super expensive. My friend took me to their outlet store this weekend in Rupert St, Collingwood. Also there’s a real life brothel in that street how weird!

Anyway the store was really nice and I got some funky bright sports clothes for really cheap. The women were really nice. They knew my name and there was lemonade and cut up fruit and popcorn so I got a snack. Also there was a game to guess how many shorts in the box so I hope I win.

It was so clean and organised with lots of sizes (which is unusual for a lot of the outlet stores in the Collingwood area).

If you like sport and you like clothes, you’ll like this outlet.


One of my friends asked why my instagram’s had #blog all over them. I explained to her how IFTT and all the recipes worked and she was amazed. Maybe I’m immune to it because it is so focused on at an intellectual, academic level at uni but the intelligent nature of the network is quite incredible and I hope I don’t forget that.


I’d always had a problem supporting Gillard in part because she wouldn’t “man up” (mind the irony) and legalise gay marriage (or at least support it). However it’s refreshing that now out of politics she can give more personal reasoning behind why she doesn’t support it without having to worry about the consequences of her actions.