My old blog
When I was about 16 I wrote a blog.
I really don’t like looking back. Of course I love a bit of reminiscing, nostalgia being one of my favourite experiences. I’ve had a very privileged life, I’ve done lots of travel and I have some beautiful friends. However, regardless there is always a cringe factor involved when delving into your past. Whether you look at your hair, your clothes, your interests or your behaviours. Even remembering a mindset or opinion that I have an opposite view of now.
Now this cringe does not even simply occur when looking at my 16 year old self. This occurs when I even look at myself a year ago. Everyone says your teenage years are when you change, when you “discover yourself”. But that period has never stopped for me. I look back to a year ago and I value completely different things, and these values are still changing and will continue to change I’m sure.
If life is anything like the HBO series Girls, then we continue to grow, learn and change well into our 20’s and 30’s.
I suppose this is why I struggle with my blog. Its all about honesty which I have done my best to do, however it concretes this evidence of your once. I suppose a blog is the modern version of daggy photo where you are sporting board shorts to the knee, a visor, a low ponytail and puppy fat.