Casual Drinker: 1

I am so tired. This is not unusual for a Sunday morning. Just like uni and work, going out on a Saturday night is routine.

I think it’s fair to say I’m a pretty healthy person. I eat quinoa, I drink green tea, I do pump class.

However, this is perhaps countered by drinking. I heard recently that having more than 4 standard drinks in one sitting is binge drinking. If thats the case I binge drink before I leave my house.

I often wonder the implications of a young person that didn’t drink, or rather, a young person that stopped drinking. If you never start you never stop. That has been my policy with smoking, drugs and Coco Cola. However when someone has a reputation as a big drinker for them to stop, they need to have a reason.

I was out the other night and not intending to have a big one. A friend asked me if I wanted a drink and I said I was fine. Then flowed a series of questions as to why/what was wrong that I didn’t want a crisp, cold glass of apple cider. Eventually I gave in and ended up going home with $120 less in my bank account.

I am fully aware of the implications that alcohol has on ones health. Weight gain, loss of brain cells and lack of self-control when it comes to McDonalds Chicken Nuggets spring to mind. However it seems unlike smoking or drugs I choose to ignore these health risks. “As long as it’s in moderation it’s fine“. I agree with that for a lot of things, however if the beginning of every Saturday night involves a bottle of white wine (or as I prefer to think of it – 7.4 standard drinks for $9) then that is not moderation.

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