ASSIGNMENT #2 Concept Report

A Brief Summary of The Reading

The article, “Sonic Imaginations” by Jonathan Sterne majorly looks into the conceptual integration of quality sound elements into the live sofa individuals. The article traces the development of sound items from the time when people believed that sound was only made by the gods to the point when sound is made by humanity and contained in at least 3.5 billion phones. The articles then go-ahead to explore the vital elements that have brought about core changes in the sound levels in the society. Key among the elements is the sound studies and the role sound students have played in the development of sound, as we know it today.

The Position of The Text and Its Significance

The text is exploratory in nature, trying to juxtapose the role of sound in life through descriptive modeling of the sound elements and factors. The relevance of sound in the process, therefore, is vital in developing quality elements that dynamically expands the positions and the application of sound and sound attributes in the society. The explorative analysis of the roles that the sound factors have always played in the lives of the individuals who have considered sound vital. The text explores the cultural value of sound, thus attempting to explain the anthropology of society through the sonic eyes. The article also explores the political role of sound, thus attempting to explore the use of sound through the development of political values in society. Environmentally, the article also plays a role in attempting to explain the position of sound to improve the environment through sonic values. 

The significance of the study in the development of sound and sound values are all important in realizing the role and value of sound in the community band society. Through analyzing the development of sound studies and sound students, it is always important for the society to understand how sonic values can be used to improve the sectors of the society in which it can help improve. In this case, it is important that the stakeholders find relevant use of sound in the areas of sound application to the environment, politics and cultural values. This is evident when the dynamic scope of the article is captured in the core contents of sonic imagination. Jonathan Sterne stated that. 

Sonic imagination is a deliberately synesthetic neologism—it is about sound but occupies an ambiguous position between sound culture and a space of contemplation outside it. Sonic imaginations are necessarily plural, recursive, reflexive, driven to represent, refigure and redescribe. They are fascinated by sound but driven to fashion some new intellectual facility to make sense of some part of the sonic world” (Sterne, 2012 p. 5).

How Reading Changes Understanding

Initially, I thought that sound development is a complex process that was given to natural evolution. However, the article has convinced me that people can sometimes stake deliberate efforts that can also improve the level to which success in sound development and application can be reached. I have realized that sound can be modified to fits a culture, a political grouping or even a given environmental concept. 

Importance of The Reading in Relation to Media Marking 

Through the reading of the article, I came to understand the position and the role of sound studies. I have come to note that sound development and change are in our own hands. Therefore, it is always possible to have the right sound development needs through a concerted need to understand why sound items may change as they have been seen in modern society. I have learned that sound is beyond the mere common sense, but also a way to describe society, culture like language and even achieve success in sound development. This is a useful concept for sound media marking as it helps to further inform the situation of sound in society. 

Influence on Future Audio-Visual Work

I have realized that the article is useful in the development of research elements. I have noted that the articles explore the key research areas that have been developed to underline the concept of sound development through sound studies. Therefore, sound students have always been considered useful agents for the modifications, reproduction and developing of sonic attributes of life. Sonic Imagination has been useful in redescribing sound that goes beyond simply listening and hearing, but eloigning sound to the realizing cultural, political and even environmental aesthetics of quality sound. The article, therefore, attempts to put sound elements and values to the context of the required development of concepts that help to make a living through the sonic attributes a useful adventure. These are elements that I will need to include in my future interceptions with sound.


Sterne, J. (2012). Sonic imaginations. The sound studies reader, 1-17.

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