Weinberger Small Pieces (reading reflection 4.3)

The Internet is a whole new technology which has changed our life forever. The space of the web is infinite. For instance, eBay is a website which everyone is familiar with. It provides service based on the customers’ interests. Everyone wants different stuff. There are thousands and thousands of thoughts which makes it unpredictable. When we look over the space of eBay, we can see a vast landscape.On the Internet, we can always choose the time suits us most to do our work. The web is made up by hundreds of millions of threads. However we never can do the same thing in reality. On the web, selves is not the real selves, we all have a name, a identity which is written. We will never know the true identity of others on the Internet. On the Internet we can use the search tool to get as much information as we want about the subject we wanted. There is a vast range of information and knowledge about it. Maybe some of them is unsystematic and uncertified knowledge, but it is presented in a human voice way and it is richer and in some level more reliable.

Everyone is an author on the internet, everyone is a participator and they make contributions to this great community.We don’t get our authority from degree here, but from what we are writing. The Web is a voice with affect and passion. We listen, write, discuss and evaluate and create the Web!



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