I Lost It at Movies-Circles and Squares: Joys and Sarris

Auteur critic is not a rigid formula, but an art requires extraordinary intelligence, discrimination and taste. A critic who has none of these qualities may fail in perceiving what is original and important in new work and helping others to see.

‘The Outer Circle’-The Technical Competence

The technical competence is the most outer circle. This means it is the least important for a director. A good direct is being able to achieve his/her own personal expression and style. To create a new standard is very helpful and worthy for a director because the standard of technical competence are based on comparisons with work already done. Sometimes the good use of technical competence can even redeem the weakness of the material.

‘The Middle Circle’-The Distinguishable Personality

The unsuccessful movies of a director is always more noticeable than the good ones. The audience are most aware of the personality of the director are his worst film. After few films are done, the personality of the director is like the label of clothes, audience judges it from the personality.

‘The Inner Circle’-Interior Meaning

The inner circle is the ultimate glory of the cinema as an art. Interior meaning is extrapolated form the tension between a director’s personality and his material. The inner circle is the place that keeps secrets and is full of mystique.

‘Outside the Circle’-What is a Film Critic?

A critic is an important role to help people go deeply in the work. People can understand more about the work with the help of a critic. The art of the critic is to transmit his knowledge of and enthusiasm for art to others. There is no fixed theory of judging a movie. The desire for a theory that will solve all the riddles of creativity is in itself perhaps an indication of their narrowness and confusion. Criticism is exciting just because there is no formula to apply, and that film criticism is particularly exciting just because of the multiplicity of elements in film art.

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