Script #2

It’s a Sunday noon, it’s sunny but pretty windy outside, it’s Melbourne’s weather. Two friends, Carrie and Joyce are going to meet for a lunch.

Carrie called Joyce first, ‘where are we going to have lunch?’

Joyce is still at uni and busy doing her assessments, ‘I don’t know, you pick one, oh we can go…’

Carrie knows what she is going to say, ‘please don’t say China bar’

Joyce’s still working on her assessments, ‘ok you pick one then’

Carrie, ‘ummmm, I don’t know…’

Joyce, ‘then China bar!’

Carrie, ‘NO! ok, I will think of on and I’ll call you’

Carrie walks into a restaurant and talks to the waiter, ‘Hi, table for two please’

The waiter looks around and feels very sorry, ‘sorry you might need to wait for 7-10 mins, is that ok?’

Carrie’ ooh,ummm…… ok, umm, I just check with my friend, I will tell you.’

Carrie called Joyce, ‘we need to wait for 7-10 mins, should we change one or just wait here?’

Joyce, ‘well we can wait, I mean it’s not that long and I’m still doing my homework’

Carrie, ‘okay then’

Carrie tells the waiter, ‘we will wait.’

After Joyce arrives, they sit down and start ordering.

Carrie,’what should we get?’

Joyce.’ohhhh, this one look good!’

Carrie, ‘And also this one! Ohh, I don’t mind, we can get that one if you like.’

Joyce, ‘I don’t mind either… Ok, let’s get the one I chose!’

Carrie feels a bit speechless but she said, ‘oh okay.’

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