Reflection on week 7 presentation

In Friday’s class, we did the presentation, it comes out great, everyone has their own thoughts and perspectives about making films, documentary, drama or both. based on the feedback that three tutors gave me, I have a more specific and deeper understanding about what I’m going to do and achieve in the rest of the semester. I am excited about making all this happen. As Paul said, there isn’t have to be a short film at the end, it can be like 20 shooting practices. However this semester I want to be ambitious about my work, I want it to be a short film with everything considered and done well. I want it to be one of works not just some exercise and practices. As Robin said, mine idea is a self-portrait with an actor. Some one else is playing me. And Paul talked about the voice-over I will create. For now, the content of voice is kind of abstract for me, I haven’t thought of some good ones. One thing I am sure about it is that it will appear in my short film all the way, it comes and goes but never stops until the end.

When listen to other classmates’ presentation, I was sparked by some concepts, different perspectives, new ideas… I list some

-close-up montage

there will be lots of close-ups in my film, what I am thinking is to mix up and put all those close-ups in different scenes together, to make a connection, communication of those different events. It is actually related as well. Then I can have another separated montage scene.

-collection of people wearing interesting stuff

I’m always into costumes and clothes. What I can do in my film is to ask my actor to get dressed in different style and kinds of clothes like a nice dress, something causal-T-shirt and jeans, pajamas, high heels, sports shoes, slippers, barefoot… then I can take photos, or record still images of her in different clothes. And how she acts and feels is all up to her. All I do is to record all of this.


when some one talked about surfing and showed the images of seas and with people in it. It is really beautiful and makes me feel the connection between people and nature. It just kind of reminds me the connections between people’s emotion and the natural landscape. It’s the thing I always want to try out. Just imagine this, an extreme close up of the sea wave connects to an extreme close up of a person’s face, with eyes close, quite and peaceful, thinking something, cuts to sea wave, cut back to the person’s face, suddenly she is frowning and with her eyes wide open. Something like this is what I want to try out.

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