In this exercise, every one work as individual director. And we can have other help us with camera operating, acting and sound.
Technical problem
When I was operating the camera for Jason (group member). I didn’t do it well. All he needed is that to pan the camera while two people talking. The problem was that I could not predict very well when panning the camera. One of the objective reason was that two actors were talking with small voices, I cannot hear them clearly without headphones. So when one of them talks, i need to pan the camera. When another one talks, I need to pan again. I have to pan the camera back and forth between two characters. Sometimes when I cannot catch what they say or when they say it, so pan it too quickly or too slowly. That is the big technical problem occurred to me in this exercise.
So in this exercise, everyone need to direct in their own shot. Directing is everything, it decides the how this scene will be presented, expressed in front of audience. Directors need to communicate with camera operator, what angles does he/she want the camera to be, what size of shootings does he/she want to use, does he/she want the camera to pan up and down or back and forth, what kind of camera coverage does he/she want to use… A director also need to communicate with actors, tell them what kind of motivation they get in the scene, where do they stand and what should they say and so on, what is their personalities and how they express it well in the scenes… A director need to organize the support team like sound well to keep the entire team running well as well. Directing is a very important and arduous work in shooting films. Direction is the leadership in making films, using other technical help and actors to express certain idea, inspiration and theme.