• Write about what you want from this course? What you think this course is? Outline your goals and desires. Consider the Studio Prompt, Brief and Aims – as above. (minimum 300 words)


As Paul said that filmmaking is not just about making a film, in my opinion, this studio is about learning filmmaking. The primary aim of this studio is not making a documentary or drama at the end of the studio, it is about helping us to think about the film and make a film by our own creative vision. I think we are not supposed to confus on the final project we would make at the end of the studio, we should consider more about the process of making the film.  

I really want to gain the knowledge of the techniques and skills of making a film from this studio. In my last three studios, the tutors tended to talk about some the nature of film, such as what is film, what does documentary do. I barely learnt how to make a film from a technical perspective. I did make something at the end of the studio, but I had no idea about how and why I made it like this. I just used the camera to record the image, not considering the exposure, the lighting, the frame and so on. I really want to master the technical skill which I think is the basis of filmmaking.

As to the outcome, it is good to make a wonderful short film by the end of the studio, but I think mastering the technical skills and developing creative thinking of film would be more important than just having a film made in the end. In my opinion, the process of learning, reflecting, and creating is much more interesting and important than the outcome of a film. I don’t want to just make a film, I would like to know about how and why I make the film. I think I can achieve this aim after the studio.