There are two main parts for today’s workshop: presenting project brief 2 and filming with borrowed equipment.


In the first half of our class, we watched everyone’s self-portrait. We gave brief explanation of our own video and received feedback from others. After watching others’ video, I felt that my video was quite different from theirs. My self-portrait is like a story, it doesn’t show my hobbies, my daily life or my friends. I thought that people are quite difficult to know about me through my self-portrait. I was quite impressed by some students’ portrait, some of them are abstract, some of them are playful. Sharing is always good. I learnt a lot of things from others, such as how to transit from scene to scene, and what to shoot in order to show your personality. I was not that satisfied with my work, but after this presentation, I guessed I would do it much better the next time.


Next, we were going to use the equipment borrowed from the school to film 3 actions (2 people meeting, shaking hands, and walking away). This was a chance to get familiar with the equipment (the camera and the tripod). We have to use this equipment to shoot our video for the project brief 3, so we should master it as soon as possible. We were split into groups, Dyy, Katie and I were in a group. Firstly, we shot an encounter scene on the stairs. Then we did another in front of the elevator. It was very interesting. After that we edited it on the Macbook, we cut them together with iMovie. Below is the video (sorry for importing the low quality)

This week’s workshop was much like a practical class than before. Because in the former classes, we just worked indoors, busy with our laptops. But this time, we had a chance to work with other equipment and shoot outdoors, which is much more interesting. I hope that we will more chances to learn in this way.