What’s the difference between a selfie and a self-portrait?
At first, I’m quite confused about the difference between these two things. To me, a selfie is usually taken by a smartphone, and it is quite normal nowadays. A self-portrait can also be a photo, but most of the time, they are paintings. I searched information online and I knew that a self-portrait is different from a selfie not only in the form it appear. “The self-portrait and the selfie are two separate, though at times overlapping, efforts at establishing and embellishing a definition of one’s self.” (Arpad Kovacs,cited by Annelisa Stephan,2015) Normally, it takes more time to finish a self-portrait than a selfie, which may lead to the fact that the quality of self-portrait is much higher than selfie.

In addition, according to Alli Burness(cited by Annelisa Stephan), founder of Museum Selfies tumblr, self-portraits are created to be read as art, are displayed in museums or galleries. In my opinion, art is supposed to prevail in small circles. She also says selfies are borne of vernacular photography practices and are brought into museums and galleries by visitors. It means that self-portraits and selfies both may be art, they have similarities in some aspects.

Annelisa Stephan 2015, what’s the difference between a selfie and a self-portrait, The GETTY IRIS, viewed 20 March 2015,