This is the first lectorial of the course. And it is also my first week in RMIT. Everything is new to me and I will try my best to get used to it. Actually, I know little about media, and I know nothing about the editing software. I think it’s really a hard time to me, when I need to do more to follow the teacher and catch up with others.

Come back to the lectorial. It’s a brief introduction. The lecturer gave some information about Media 1, and I know that it is a really useful course, which can improve our critical thinking, creativity, network, editing skills and so on. I am looking forward to the coming classes.

The challenging aspect, to me, is following the teachers. As an international student, English is my weakness to some extent. There are so many terminologies in this field, and now I am not so familiar with them, so sometimes I didn’t quite catch what the teacher said. Apart from listening, I guess the usage of the software will also challenge me, because as I say, I didn’t get access to these software such as Photoshop and Premiere before. However, I believe I will learn much through the class and I will try my best to do so.