Liar Game
Liar Game is a Japanese manga originally created by Shinobu Kaitani in 2005. It is later being broadcasted as a TV series under the same name in 2007, running 11 episodes. A sequel Liar Game: Season 2 was produced and released in 2009. Two live action films are produced: Liar Game: The Final Stage in 2010 and Liar Game: Reborn in 2012. A Korean TV Series has also adapted the Japanese Season 1’s plot under the same name Liar Game. Liar Game is widely popular even until today with its mysterious and quirky narrative. So what is Liar Game?
Liar Game talks about an innocent and naive high school girl, Nao Kanzaki receives a bag of 100 million yen one day and is announced to be the last participant of a fictional reality TV show named Liar Game Tournament. The objective of this fictional show is to provoke the contestants desire to win an unbelievable amount of money and there are no rules to stop them from cheating or lying or stealing from other contestants, but on the other hand, the losers will have to pay off an unbearable amount of debt for their losses. As Nao is cheated by her high school teacher in the first round, she looks for the con man named Shinichi Akiyama for help. They win the first round of game and as Shinichi tries to convince Nao to leave the show, he realizes that the show actually has darker intentions and decides to help the Nao and the other contestants by going through different games with increasing difficulties.
Since I am in charged in creating one of the puzzles, I though watching this show will help in creating puzzles as it involves in different genres of games like role playing game, mind reading game, tactician game, and etc. For example, towards the mid part of the story of the Korean version, there is a game which involves the contestants to figure out the majority of Yes or No, and the losers will be the ones who cannot figure out correctly and get eliminated from the game. It involves in observing, thinking and planning skills in order to win the game. The show is truly inspiring and interesting, and it also has a very good progression in terms of the narrative and character development.
Truly recommend this show, it is a MUST watch.