Sweet Evelyn Cafe: A New Home

Sweet Evelyn Cafe

My Film:



I’m from a small town in rural victoria, I grew up as the youngest member of a family of 6, I shared a bedroom with one of my sisters and I was never alone, never not doing something. It wasn’t until I moved to Melbourne for university that I began spending time alone. I walk alone down a street and don’t see anyone I know.

I walk down union street and everywhere I look it’s quiet, i see other people that are just like me, walking up the street with their head down, on their way somewhere else. The Sweet Evelyn Cafe makes for an exception to this though. It stands among a neighbourhood f shop fronts that have been long closed down. From 6am to 4pm it’s buzzing away happily. There are families, children, dogs, and all kinds of happy people. It smells delicious and just like a place anyone would want to be. I turns the street into a car park and seems to be the only place right near me that stops people on their journeys. I went in to explore this place that feels like home.


My concept:

  • In housing estate
  • Surrounded by closed shops from a while ago that are now used as housing.
  • Used to be the local butcher
  • Is a light glowing light in the neighbourhood, always humming away with happy people, families and dogs
  • Beautiful decorations that are rustik
  • The cafe is not only a site of change itself, but it has changed the character of the neighbourhood


Documentary plan:

    • Tagline ideas:
      • Sweetening the neighbourhood
      • Hidden history
      • A new home
      • It’s heart beats strong
      • Hitting the sweet spot
      • @Sweetevelyncafe – “The wayward urban adventurer may meander past unthinkingly, but the locals know exactly what’s behind those doors!” 
    • Shooting style:
      • lots of focus on depth (shallow focus and deep focus) – showing movement fuzzily in background or foreground
      • Focus on happy people and what they’re consuming – film food and coffee as a feature for the setting
      • Go into atmosphere detail – show the character of the cafe
      • Show the character of the neighbourhood and surrounding shops and compare them – the old shops, quiet streets and beautiful homes
      • Film through the perspective of a customer (POV Style): show the journey to the cafe, show the process of ordering and receiving an order, checking out and leaving. 
    • Research:
      • Used to be a butcher – found this out from a man working there – definitely potential for an interview subject
      • Could interview a customer who goes there often (I know there are a few as I looked up the reviews and people commented saying so)
      • SO many great reviews on the internet and across all social media accounts.
      • https://www.fivesenses.com.au/blog/sweet-brews-sweet-evelyn/
      • https://www.instagram.com/sweetevelyncafe/
      • @Kathrynv – He is amazing!!!!!! So lucky to have him just up the road!!! 😊
      • @Leoniek – The best barista in Brunswick. I love not having to get out of my car! The man is a bloody legend!
      • @Caz__mac – Everyday I have a pram and a dog when I stop for my daily fix and everyday my coffee is brought out to me and everyday it tastes the same…. AMAZING. Don’t ever leave Brunswick ❤️
      • Sweet Evelyn is our favourite place for brunch!! Delicious selection of food and pastries, great coffee – their iced soy mocha is even made with with soy ice cream! Love the staff and best of all it’s dog friendly- not just the front, but also their cozy backyard. Can’t recommend this place enough �
      • “We go here all the time with our pup. We absolutely love it. The food is spectacular and so are the staff!”
      • “Best cafe in Brunswick West. Partner and I would frequent here with our pooch every day. Have moved to the other side of town and nothing even comes close. Perfect coffee, exceptional customer service, quality food and the friendliest owner that are passionate about what they do.”
      • Introduction of barista https://www.instagram.com/p/BZ0R8ieFD1e/?taken-by=sweetevelyncafe
  • Directors statement:
    • This film would feature the small community that this cafe presents, showcasing the beautiful meals and drinks they serve. It would explore the history of the cafe, what the building used to be, why it changed and how it became what it is today. It would explore the issues the business faces, how they drew people to this small cafe when it’s in such a quiet spot. Why people stop there in their busy schedules.
    • If I were to make this my final video I would like to make it a bit of a story – POV of someone going there, their experience there (to get the feel of the place) – the whole video wouldn’t be like this but it would be the soul of it. I would need to capture the quiet surroundings and the busy happy environment there around lunch time. I would like to interview the barista and perhaps a waitress and a customer, to get reviews from all angles. Capture the noise of the cafe in all sections for background noise (the counter, the front tables, inside seating, the kitchen and the inner outdoor area (sort of beer garden/terrace).
    • I would review their social media, select some kind reviews and then show them in action etc. Compare their instagram pictures to the food that i’m served.