First Team: Juventus

If you’re a soccer fan then you’ve heard of Juventus Football Club, one of the most successful soccer clubs since it’s creation in 1897. The Italian based team has recently been featured in a 3 part docu-series on Netflix, the first soccer documentary to be released on Netflix thus far. I was surprised to see it come up in my Netflix feed for this very reason.
I decided I’d give the series a ‘squizz’ and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. My boyfriend was watching with me and usually I fall asleep whenever we watch things at night time, however I found myself fully immersed in the story, up until he requested that we go to bed because he was tired.
I was so focused on the interesting story that I forgot to analyse what features and techniques were being used, so the only things I can really report back on are the feelings that watching it gave me and the small things that I can remember.

I remember thinking over and over ‘imagine how cool it would be to play for such a prestigious team in front of all these people’. The atmosphere of a Juventus home crowd was insane. The overall feel of the documentary was intense. So much seriousness. So much pressure. The silence was important, the quiet moments after the coach had made some huge statement, the deep breath whilst someone shot a penalty. Of course this was balanced out by small cuts of light hearted moments that caused you to remember that the players have lives outside of soccer and are human beings that have fun just like the rest of us.

I liked how the documentary didn’t stuff around pretending that this team was happy with winning, it instead very seriously analysed that winning was the normal and the expected. After one match the team won 3 – 1, however all the team focused on was the fact that they shouldn’t have conceded any goals. Can you imagine the pressure when winning is the only option you have, and that even just winning isn’t always good enough.

I promise that as I continue watching I will try to pay more attention to the details and report back my findings.