New Forms of Media Institutions and Copyright Issues

Above: Channel Criswell 2016, I’m being Sued, YouTube video, 3 June.

Below: Henry Jenkins (2014) Rethinking ‘Rethinking Convergence/Culture’,Cultural Studies, 28:2, 267-297.


Below: Hinton, SH, Larissa, LH 2013, Understanding Contemporary Culture series : Understanding Social Media, SAGE Publications Ltd, London.
Screen Shot 2016-06-06 at 1.29.11 AM

The arts encourage us to reflect while science has allowed the internet to become a medium of expression. Nowadays, the roles of producer and consumer have blurred. The internet is an interactive space and everyone wants to exercise their freedom of speech and expression.

It is also a platform that gives rise to new forms of institutions. For e.g., individual YouTube channels can be used as a specialised “tv” program. Channel Criswell (above) only publishes film essays and reviews. YouTube has become a giant database that houses independent production companies. We are moving away from traditional television. Netflix and the newly-launched YouTube Red have noticed this culture change and are now earning via subscription fees.

As we continue to participate online and produce user-created content, I think copyright laws should evolve and not restrict content from being remixed. One should have the right to sue another for defamation. But one should share goods and be open to others’ points of view as well. We are all part of a wider online community. Sharing and recreating will allow new institutions and businesses to form and grow, creating yet more communities. This is how the arts and science marry and generate more ideas – and more jobs!

In Review: Reflective Portfolio





Prior to entering the BaComms Media program, I had zero technical experience with filming and editing. So, as illustrated above, I continued to gain new technical skills and learnt most during the first quarter. We had two weeks to complete Project Brief 2. (There’s a typo error in the picture, it should be “PB2” and not “PB3”) Within that time constraint I, 1) consulted online videos and explored Premiere Pro 2) brainstormed personal portrait ideas 3) figured out how to use my camera. Being one of the least experienced in class, I felt the pressure to improve and excel. Nonetheless, I am thankful that Brian did not spoon-feed us because I was able to test my capabilities. Fortunately, the final product was well-received. This project had the least creative restrictions compared to others in semester one, enabling me to challenge my creative direction. I think it is my best work this semester. 

Since Project Brief 2 had consistently kept me on my toes, its completion marked the onset of a lull. The audio interview class exercise required us to use Audition CC. Its interface looked more complicated than Premiere Pro and I was trying my best to avoid opening the software. Reject!!! The following week, we had a video interview class exercise. That was not much fun either. The camera movement was jerky and we did not organise a reliable shooting plan. I learnt to work with whatever footage we had and took advantage of our failings to create a more comedic product.

At the same, we had been introduced to Project Brief 3.(There’s a typo error in the picture, it should be “PB3” and not “PB4”) It made me panic for a long time because I had no closed ones in Australia to be the subject. When I finally found someone, we had to work around clashing schedules and the condition that the subject’s face not be seen. It was an interesting creative constraint. I remember Paul’s advice, that sometimes limitations can benefit creative direction. And it’s true! Beth said not revealing his face added to the mystery.

I have learnt not to be fearful of restrictions and to manipulate weaknesses into strengths. The graph plateaus after week 7 because the semester’s latter half was geared towards collaboration and using the technical skills acquired thus far.



I try to bridge ideas learnt from my performing experience and current media studies. Is this a process of re-learning? Consciously journaling and drawing links help me become a more conscientious artiste. This way, I can derive new goals and inspiration for my film-making process too.

As artistes and inventors, it is essential to re-learn so that we gain awareness of upcoming trends. I’ve realised that media is both a tool and ever-evolving platform. We now live in world that requires humans to adapt to advancing technology, instead of vice versa. This is especially important because mediated communication is utilised across and between, all existing institutions and industries. We cannot run away from technology.

I also try to bring knowledge from my cinema contextual studies into my projects. I experimented with the following concepts: motifs, symbolism, repetition, rhythm of edit (where to cut), narrative structure, camera angle and perspective, etc. I want to experiment with soundscapes more, next semester!



This is a general depiction of my professionalism and work ethic throughout semester one. The first six weeks had me very excited about learning. I punctually delivered my work with much dedication and sense of ownership. I also made a point to actively participate during class discussions and have no problems providing constructive feedback to peers. I enjoy reading and thinking about thinking.

Unfortunately, I became lazy and demotivated throughout the second half of the semester. It could be due to my struggles during collaborations. I ended up completing tasks for the sake of it. I also lack the discipline to consistently make to-do lists and manage my time, especially after losing momentum due to illness. This is an occurring pattern throughout my life. I hope to “maintain the fuel” throughout the rest of my semesters here. Prevention of relapse: take care of health and JUST DO IT.


Graph 4 – PRACTISE

I think professionalism and practise go hand-in-hand. So where my drive dipped, so did my practise. After we completed individual projects (PB1, 2 & 3), we worked on collaborative efforts (PB4). As a team, we did not explore many creative options. We did not allow ourselves to experiment and fail. Our focus was scattered across various projects. I aim to rise up to the occasion and step up as leader in future team projects.


My sister and I were discussing about the way we process information and contribute at work. It seems there are two types of people in the meeting room: one who readily throws ideas on the spot and one who requires alone-time to garner inspiration. I am usually the latter. 

I enjoy being given a mission, then going off to do some private investigation before sharing a pile of ideas in the meeting room. Impromptu presentations are thrilling but I gain more confidence when there is time to construct my ideas in a coherent fashion. Having more time also allows more space for creative exploration. 

This work ethic is helpful when datelines are far. However, in a conventional work space, I probably cannot afford to do that. I think this “learn-first-give-later” process stems from a lack of confidence and fear of sharing “stupid” ideas or making mistakes. I became aware of this mentality about three years ago and I’ve been trying to improve by being more of a “yes man”.

I practise by speaking out in class more often. I encourage myself to be present in the moment; actively listening in class, analysing and brainstorming on the spot then communicating my thoughts in a clear manner. 


I managed to achieve some goals set out before the semester started. This was achieved by committing to the individual projects and building up my media portfolio. RMITV was also very helpful in providing insight to the various roles and hierarchy in a TV studio. I need to work on collaborative efforts; to not lose passion and sense of ownership when moving as a team. I want to be a better leader too, someone who is able to facilitate members to play to their strengths! Cheers to future semesters!!!


Don’t You Love Taking Personality Tests?

If you do, you can take one here.
I took one to receive a general assessment of my strengths and weaknesses as a team player.
I believe in being adaptable and improving. So my past and present personality may be labelled differently. Well, for now, I’ll move forward from here.

What’s an INFP-T like? Website states:


In the workplace, INFPs face the challenge of taking their work and their profession personally. To INFPs, if it isn’t worth doing, it isn’t really worth doing, and this sense of moral purpose in their work colors everything from how they respond to authority to how they express it. Though the way the INFP personality type shows through depends on the position, there are a few basic truths about what INFPs seek in the workplace: they value harmony, need an emotional and moral connection to their work, and loathe bureaucratic tedium.

INFP Subordinates

As subordinates, INFPs prefer latitude, and would much rather immerse themselves in a project, alone or with a close team, than simply be told what task to do and move on. People with the INFP personality type aren’t looking for easy, forgettable work that pays the bills, they’re looking for meaningful work that they actually want to think about, and it helps for their managers to frame responsibilities in terms of emotional merit rather than cold rationalization or business for its own sake. INFPs would rather know that their work will help to deliver a service they believe in than to know that the bottom line has been boosted by 3%.

If these standards are met, managers will find an extremely dedicated and considerate employee in INFPs. As idealistic opportunity-seekers INFPs may not always work well in technical applications, where the facts and logic really matter and critique is often necessary, but they work beautifully in more human and creative endeavors. While some types, especially Analysts (NT), respond favorably to negative feedback, taking criticism as an opportunity to not make the same mistake twice, people with the INFP personality type would much rather hear what they did right and focus on what to do, rather than what not to.

INFP Colleagues

INFPs feel most comfortable among colleagues – they aren’t interested in controlling others, and have a similar distaste for being controlled. Among their colleagues, INFPs will feel freer to share their ideas, and while they may maintain some psychological distance, they will make every effort to be pleasant, friendly and supportive – so long as their coworkers reciprocate. INFPs don’t like conflict or picking sides, and will do everything they can to maintain harmony and cooperation.

Most of this comes down to good communication, which INFPs prefer to conduct in person, for that personal touch, or in writing, where they can compose and perfect their statements. People with the INFP personality type avoid using phones if they can, having the worst of both worlds, being both detached and uncomposed. INFPs also like to feel like their conversations are meaningful, and while they enjoy exploring philosophy more than most, their patience for arbitrary hypothetical brainstorming or dense technical discussions is limited.

INFP Managers

As managers, INFPs are among the least likely to seem like managers – their egalitarian attitudes lend respect to every subordinate, preferring communication as human beings than as a boss/employee opposition. People with the INFP personality type are flexible, open-minded and give their subordinates the tools they need, be they responsible delegation or an intuitive and receptive sounding board, to get the job done. Keeping their eyes on the horizon, INFPs set goals that achieve a desirable end, and help the people working under them to make that happen.

There is a downside to this style, as sometimes the boss just needs to be the boss. INFPs know how they feel about criticism, and are reluctant to subject others to that same experience, whether it’s needed or even welcome. Further complicating this role, when INFPs are under stress, as when someone really does warrant criticism, they can become extremely emotional – they may not show it, but it can affect their judgment, or even cause them to withdraw inwards, in ways that can really hold back their team.

Follow the Yellow Brick Road Ep. 8 – “The End”

Thurs 2 June – Meeting 8

“The End”

We finished!!!!!!

I’m quite disappointed though. We didn’t explore many creative options. But i’m thankful it’s a team effort. The last couple of months were depressing and I’m glad this assignment allowed me to interact with fellow humans. Plus, I got to learn about me and my team members’ strengths and weaknesses!

Lesson of the Day: “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” – Albert Einstein

Follow the Yellow Brick Road Ep. 7 – “Failure to Deliver”

Thurs 19 May – Meeting 7

“Failure to Deliver”

I feel bad because we could not produce rough cuts today. Yet, I’m not panicking. We’re worrying about other project datelines due sooner.

No progress today.

Lesson of the Day: (“reprimand of the day”) Grace, when will you learn to manage your time properly? You’ve spread yourself too thin and lost motivation – again.

Click here for Ep. 8