Machines are becoming too intuitive/intelligent.
Everyone is connected. We can all be reached at any time with very little effort. We can choose the level of contact we want to make based on how personal/ intimate we want the communication to be. We could snapchat, text, call, face-time. Everyone is glued to a screen. Is it a phone, ipod, tablet, laptop or computer? These machines are checked every five minutes, to make sure that even though we may be alone, no one has thought of us, is trying to contact us, has already contacted us. We are locked in to these machines. They have become another limb: a part of us. They are the groundings of our social lives and determine if we fit on the spectrum of normal. We all revel in it. We know where everyone is at all times and can can create and master these machines to fit the needs of our lives. These machines know what we want and give it to us quickly and effectively. Are we intelligent? Are we riding the wave of the machine? Who is making these machines? The ‘newest’ update that has society running with their wallets open; who makes this change? What kind of power do they hold?