Found Sound:
Found Footage:
In Project Brief 3, I had some trouble finding an individual to base my assignment on. However once I got in contact with George and had a meeting with him and spoke about the task he turned out to be an ideal individual to interview.
The most successful part of my video would have to be the small shots of his surroundings as I think even though I could only capture limited footage of the Factory Antique Market, I think I showed enough for the viewers to grasp at what George surrounds himself with. The most problematic part of the editing process was trying to decipher what to use and what to throw away. I had way over two minutes of footage and it was really tricky trying to cut down and decide what angle I was going to take with the information I put in the video.
I also had particular trouble with the sound. The background hush of the air was quite frustrating when I wanted just George talking. Next time I’ll pay close attention to this and try and minimise the background noise.
When producing the portrait, I found that it was easy for George to start to reel off information about a supplier or an artist that he loves and start to explain and talk about their life which was interesting but I had to keep asking questions about his own life to make sure I get enough footage to create an accurate depiction of him.
One thing I have learned from this experience is to be very aware of yourself when you are filming another person. It was very easy for me to fall into the trap of replying and acknowledging what George would say, which later when I try to use just the footage or audio of him speaking would sound naïve with my comments in between his points.
I really enjoyed this task and was definitely thrown in the deep end. However considering my lack of experience and having never done anything like this before, I am proud and happy with the end result.