This week I had a bit of a scary epiphany, there are one billion people using one piece of software to author, publish and ditribute their creative pursuits. Over the course of the semester, I have been encountering affordances and constraints that have been stopping me from achieving my original creative vision but then allow me to complete another action effectively. Like, for example, making it difficult to make video content to look good (due to low quality and lack of editing ability), but ensuring that images can look great (load quickly, are crisp, and having many editing options).
How did you author (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?
I authored this video as I was coming home from a late dinner in Elwood. For the duration of this assignment I thought it’d be easier than it has proven to be, to find interesting doors in my day-to-day movement. This was the first time I actually saw a door I found really interesting in my daily travels and am still really happy with how the post turned out. The video is of an old Maserati that I saw parked in Elwood, I got the idea from the account @sleepingcars, which I have been following for a while. Although my post doesn’t quite do the car, or @sleepingcars justice, I really like the aesthetic that I created by recording a stationary object, with only people and things in the background providing a dynamic element (and my sub par filming abilities).
I went back to recording on my iPhone SE so that I would be able to quickly stop the recording and re-film if I needed to. I didn’t have long, so I was under a bit of pressure to quickly record the video with stability. I tried with the flash on but that was a bit of a disaster, because the quality of my camera in the dark is pretty terrible, and once I saw the fairy lights in the shop across the road, I knew I wanted to make it a video. The low light casts a soft hue over the video which doesn’t come through as well on the low video quality of Instagram, but I love how the flashing lights make it look pretty kitsch.
I put the Lark filter over the video, again to make sure it fits well into my feed, although it is starting to frustrate me more and more that there are so few editing options for videos. I think this lack of editing tools shows just how much Instagram preferences the image over the video, and how this constraint could be limiting people’s creativity. On top of the very few editing options, the quality is always poor and often they take so long to load I don’t bother watching. I’m starting to think Instagram does it on purpose to encourage people to post less videos or to use IGTV instead. I also left the audio on just to make it a bit more immersive for the viewer.
How did you publish (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?
I published the video with a simple caption because I didn’t feel like I needed to justify the post, like I have in many of my other posts. I used more hashtags than normal and more specific ones relating to the subject matter of the video, which has meant that the video has gained quite a few likes in a relatively short amount of time. When I authored the video I had an idea that it would resonate in the car and vintage car community of Instagram, so I used hashtags specific to this interest group, including #Maserati, #forumla1, #carlifestyle, #sleepingcars, #dreamcar, #vintagecars and #vintagecarsdaily. Through this making media task, I’ve been able to explore more interest-networks on Instagram more than I usually do. Considering that before this assignment I had only ever used hashtags ironically, becuase my account is private anyway, I have always shared subject matter that I enjoy and that I know my followers will enjoy because my network is closed. This open network, and hashtags, have allowed me to share my photos and videos with different people who have different interests, without worrying if the post fits thematically with the rest of my account.
As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I have been recording as many videos and photos as I can, so that I am then able to choose the best. And becuase some days it is easier to find good content than others. To ensure my recordings doesn’t go to waste, I created the ‘ Didn’t make it’ story highlight so that I am still able to revisit what I’ve seen and done. These stories however, are published some time after they were authored, which was not the major intention of Stories and means that the thread is still quite curated.
How did you distribute (the photo or video) you published on Instagram to other social media services?
As usual, I distributed the video on Tumblr and Twitter. Again, Twitter just posted the link so I ended up deleting the tweet and republishing it with the actual video as well as the link to my Instagram. During publication, I also added a location to distribute the photo more widely.

I kept the caption the same but changed the hashtags to just three; #Maserati, #Melbourne and #Sleepingcars. To me, Twitter is a platform more oriented towards politics and opinions than art, images and video so I never expect much engagement but this time my tweet got one like (Wow!). The automatic distributing between Instagram and Twitter is not great and feels very clunky, and the fact that I have to go in and repost anyway defies the purpose of the automatic distribution feature.

If we look at Tumblr, it has a similar problem but not to the same extent, it posts the image with an Instagram border, which makes it look very out of place and bulky when in-line on the Tumblr feed, as well as on my actual Tumblr blog. So in future, it would look better (aesthetically) to distribute the video/photo manually to avoid having the Instagram border.