Week #6 UOP – PB#3 Initiation

In this week’s classes our partners for the next assignment were prescribed, I am working with Daisy :).

In pooling all my possible resources, the two most possible sources are the Hurstbridge farmer’s market – my local marketplace, and Manhattan School of Music – my workplace and family business.

The resources Daisy has for me are a Chinese chef and teahouse.

In Tuesday’s class we also watched a documentary called Salt Of The Earth, about Brazilian/Magnum photographer Sebastiao Salgado. It was highly confronting and powerful.

This Susan Sontag quote encapsulates how I felt about the documentary: “To suffer is one thing; another thing is living with the photographed images of suffering, which does not necessarily strengthen conscience or the ability to be compassionate.”

In Friday’s class we learnt about photo essays and stories, and participated in an exercise whereby we photographically tell a story of ‘the exchange’.

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