Week #8 – Catherine McMullen is a gun

On Monday we had Catherine McMullen come in as a guest speaker and she was incredible. She offered heaps of useful insight and advice about writing and industry.

Here are some notes I took:


  • Freelancers website – should do resume like that
  • Political things in a writer’s room, a person will be there one day and not the next, need to be a valuable contributor to stay.
  • Contributing writer – $1000 a day
  • In America they can spend 10 weeks alone on research, can spend 5-6 months for full show
  • In Australia, can give 4 weeks to write the whole thing!


  • Script form is still evolving
  • Written in second person – you
  • Closest to doing a play than a film – full takes required
  • Sound plays more of an important role than in film – key for triggering interaction
  • One camera perspective needs to be considered: quadrant format invented
  • Can write to the camera – direction


  • Need to earn rule bending – writing to camera etc.
  • Need feeling over description, put it in if needed
  • Spirit of character is most important
  • Conscious casting – open different storylines, with specificity, race informs character
  • Draw the READER’s attention, can use – NB eg in The Other Lamb
  • Action needs to be evocative, not boring!!!


  • Short story to screenplay – done the world work in short
  • Can evolve new endings, new characters, changed by a third to a half
  • Tone of short story is there
  • Specific songs are not good – needs versatility
  • Narrators are cheats – untrustworthy narrator more interesting
  • Don’t write camera angles – ways to get around it – ‘we see’ rather than close up on hand!
  • Lyrical rather than dictative action
  • Use personality to express/direct characters/actors
  • Big difference between director scripts and writer’s script
  • Action beats – has to be a good read


  • Cut is down and cut it down again
  • Budget to consider – locations – limited to 3?
  • Simpler story: 4 part structure
  • Outline should take more time, basic structure needs to be there
  • Write what you know
  • TOOL: Save the cat – when things need to happen for a feature, write treatment – fits roughly, use big beats, general structure


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