Week #3 UOP – PB#2 Planning

For project brief #2, I’d like to employ the conceptual minimalist aesthetic of works by Carlota Guerrero – she frequently incorporates vignette, fade and a pastel/nude colour palette. Her photos are characterised by their focus on balance, moody light, femininity and what she terms ‘the animals inside us’. Speaking of her photographic approach she says, “I take pictures because when I see something that harbors beauty I tend to get very nervous, and I need to do something with that energy, which usually translates into taking a picture…What I try to evoke isn’t more than what I have felt at that moment in time, so I guess I’m putting together an inventory of everything that moves me or affects me.” She often plays with high and low angles and shoots at bare or obscure locations/landscapes to compose a frame articulating the female subject’s presence.

Angelica Dass adopts a similar style in her conceptual ‘identity’ explorations, use of colour and composition.

I am using a Canon EOS 70D with an EF 50mm f/1.4 USM lens.

In Friday’s class/over the weekend I played around with some similar technicalities that I can adopt.


I wish to use mainly high key lighting shots and bright mood-light shots. Two photos will be shot outdoors and 3 indoors though I won’t be using a lighting kit for any shots. This

  • Bright moody

the relevant f-stop: 3.2

shutter speed: 1/500-1/640

ISO choice: 1600-2500

  • High key

the relevant f-stop: 3.2

shutter speed: 1/125

ISO choice: 3200

The desired compositions aren’t too complicated I’ll be looking for a plain white background and locations that comprise rectangular geometry. I know a park that has a ramp/stairs and terracotta pillars that will mimic my chosen shots well. I will be using a tripod to shoot everything.

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