
I cannot believe how fast this year has gone. I moved to Melbourne last year, I remember that time so well. I had left home for the first time, not living anywhere else, realizing that I’m going to be starting university soon, even though it was just the foundation course. It was big step and a change for me, although it wasn’t too bad because I was living with my sister and I had visited Melbourne quite a few times before hand, so I wasn’t facing a culture shock. It was the beginning of a new chapter in my life, it was exciting but at the same time terrifying.


I remember the first few months; meeting new people, adjusting to the life as a university student, getting to know my surroundings and whole system on how to mange my life now that my parents were not there, trying to be careful with my finances, to sum it all up learn how to be independent. The whole year of 2013 changed my life, and it changed for the better, I met new people, I became a totally different person, I grew up. Melbourne has become my home away from home, in ways that I never thought would happen, the people I met became my family, I found a place among my new friends, who made my feel welcome from day 1, and without a doubt it was the best year of my life, and just like breath on a mirror its over. I cannot believe its already been a year since I moved and I met all my friends, and became the person I am now, and 2014 was is about to come to an end too. It already September, soon it will be December and well another new beginning for all of us.


But right now, even as I am writing this post, as the next part of journey in Melbourne has come about, things have changed even more. I recently move into a new apartment, (a note to, whoever is reading this never move during a semester), the old apartment I lived in, was owned by family, so I my dad was paying a mortgage instead of rent, and this apartment was in my family for seven years. Now I never lived in it for all that time, my two older siblings did, but when I visited Melbourne over the course of those years that’s where we stayed, that apartment was one of the things that helped me feel like I was at home. When it was sold and I had to move out it was difficult, saying bye to something that was a big part of my life.


I also found that my surroundings wouldn’t be the only thing that’s changed. My life has taken a turn, new house, new responsibilities, and new life. Now I won’t specify how it has changed but it has, and I think for the first time in my life I am experience real change, where everything is a mystery, and now what I have to do is figure out how to adjust. The point of all what I am writing is that , as I have mentioned before is that time is going so fast, and it feels like everything is going to be over soon. Personally I don’t want it to, but since it beyond my control I guess I have to make every moment count.