Post 2 – Assignment 2

What were your key takeaways about establishing a film festival (ours and any others) – its mission, themes and name – when starting from scratch? Prior to enrolling in this studio, if I were to have been asked the question of what is primarily required to establish and mount a film festival, I would have suggested that the first steps are to source films and select the best ones for…

Post 1 – Assignment 2

What are the key insights you’ve developed in this studio so far about the skill sets necessary to establish and operate a film festival – and how do they relate to skills you a) already possess and b) aspire to possess? Throughout the studio so far, it has become apparent that in order to establish and operate a film festival from scratch, a wide range of skills and abilities are…

Post 2 – Assignment 1

Key insights about staging film festivals in Australia you took from Richard Sowada’s guest lecture, and from visiting a film festival? After learning about the preparation, groundwork, and the many important facets involved with putting on a film festival, I was very eager to experience my first ever film festival and become immersed within the festival culture. After browsing through the festivals that were currently running in Melbourne, I chose…

Post 1 – Assignment 1

Key takeaways about international film festival culture, present and past, from viewing Film Spa? Prior to watching Film Spa (2015), I had a very limited understanding about international film festival culture and its historical roots. My initial thoughts of film festivals were as Valck (2016) describes, events of glamour and celebration that consist of red carpets, celebrities and paparazzi dominating public spaces. However, after viewing Film Spa and getting a glimpse into…

Deliberate Film Assignment 4

Studio reflection: Throughout the semester, Deliberate Film has significantly broadened my knowledge on filmmaking and altered my skills to be much more proficient and organised. Despite not being able to engage in face-to-face learning this semester (which I was especially excited for in this studio), I am very surprised with how effective and beneficial this class has been towards enhancing my practical skills in filmmaking. My main goal for coming…

My way of working

Over the first three weeks of this semester, I have already noticed significant improvements in my editing, organisation and filmmaking skills. Learning all of the keyboard shortcuts and proper ways to organise files on Premiere Pro has definitely made the editing process much more straightforward and simple. Prior to this class, I had struggled the most with understanding how to change the aspect ratio of a sequence and had a…

Colour Grading

Colour Grade #1 For this first clip, I aimed to create a more cinematic look. I lowered my blacks (-8.2), whites (-14.3), shadows (-38.8), and increased the highlights (36.7) and saturation (124.5) to give it a more vivid and intense colour. It is evident that skin tone appears to be more brighter and vibrant as opposed to the original clip. The next clip I edited through the RGB Curves to…

Scene Deconstruction

Edgar Wright’s 2004 horror comedy Shaun of the Dead, centres on protagonist Shaun (Simon Pegg), who’s dull and uneventful existence becomes disrupted by a zombie apocalypse in their London town. As a fan of Edgar Wright’s style of filmmaking, I have always been fascinated by his ability to transform such a boring and simple scene into something thrilling and cinematic. Throughout this particular scene, we follow Shaun walking from his house to…