As the last actual week of the semester came to an end I somewhat felt a weight off my shoulders, knowing that all I had left to do was finish (or in some cases start and then finish) work that is due in the coming weeks. As I sat in a pub after the MS Fun Walk I was surrounded by my parents and my Auntie and work colleagues. My Auntie then went to tell them that I was studying at RMIT, when one of them responses, “Are you doing Science?” due to all of their work revolving somewhat around its many practices. I looked at her and laughed, stating “No, no nothing to do with science at all! I’m studying media, no… definitely not science.” She then smiled at me, and continued to speak to her two children. I felt a bit out of place with all of these adults sat at this table who all posses an interest in science in some way or another, besides my own mother which is why I suppose I can say that the apple does not fall far from the tree. I continued to sit there and think about it, how important media is, especially to me as someone who has been trained for the past few years to deeply understand all things media. I think you have to understand the world of media to fully appreciate it, which brings me to what was spoken in the lecture this past week. This quote “Media materialism is, of course, a way of thinking about media, but it can also be a way of thinking about the world, history, the economy, even sunsets” was one I grabbed from the Media One Media factory page, and is a statement that I think is extremely vital to anyone studying media. As that is what we have to do constantly; think about media and anything else in the world that links to it – which is basically everything. Understanding media is just as complex as understanding a science, it is a science, however of a different means.
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