Today’s tutorial was the last of the term. It’s quite a feat I believe, to have gone through these last 12 weeks of my first semester in University. It’s been an experience to say the least. Something that I have had to become accustomed to in a variety of ways, but have finally done nonetheless. It kind of feels like its been a life time, and in this small lifetime of 3 months, I have definitely grown in many ways. In today’s tutorial we were asked to draw a line for the 12 weeks for each in a different colour on a graph based on these points:
- How much have I learnt about making media objects/stories?
- What is my ability to work independently in unfamiliar ways or with new systems and tools?
- How much do I understand and think critically and creatively about what I make?
- What is my understanding of the role/value of the blog?
Sitting there thinking about how and where I would draw my lines, determined to make them as accurate as I could, it almost forced me to reflect on these past weeks. I’ve learnt a lot. Coming into the course, there was mixed feelings of knowing what you’re doing and not having a clue. After the first week it completely leaned towards having no idea what I was doing with anything, something that I accepted and strived to actually learning something. Being around such creative minds has encouraged me to think about things in a different light and to approach everything with a chilled and eager aura. I suppose your time spent anywhere is what you make of it and although there have been moments of doubt and boredom, it’s been a great first half of the year.
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