Overall, I enjoyed Emily’s portrayal of her older sister Maddison. Aesthetically, it was pleasing on the eye and easy to watch, fitting in with her general relaxed nature and the location – the Gold Coast. The found footage that Emily used of Betty Boop worked well, tying in with the narration of Maddison and not appearing out of place whatsoever. The on screen text shown twice throughout the film offered some diversity, visually contrasting with the footage, it remained relevant and related to the overall concept and aimed aesthetic. One thing I suggest to think about are the shots of the face. They were effective in showing the audience of the physical presence that is Maddison, however having shots of her talking accompanied by the still shots of her facial features may have created a bit more contrast and diversity in that small sequence.

You can see “Maddison” here:

Chrys also used her found footage in an extremely effective manner as it mirrored the spoken narration along with what seemed to be the desired overall aesthetic. The shots in which the film’s subject Maria is speaking to the camera is personal and intimate, the setting being in a bedroom, which reinforces the concept of intimacy and sexuality that is being explored throughout the course of the film. Although it is a slight contradiction, perhaps a range of different angles may have provided more diversity in the interviewing of Maria, this may have made it appear more posed, however small angle differences maybe slightly to each side from a higher angle would maintain the intimacy that was successfully achieved. Also, rather than only shots of Maria speaking to the camera,  pensive, calm shots accompanied only by a voice over may have given audiences a chance to reflect on the dialogue more in depth. Overall it was a great representation of Maria and her ideals.

You can see “Maria” here: