I have tried to express myself in a more deeper fashion compared to my final product of project brief one. Overall, my aim was to convey a sense of nostalgia. This sentimentality was aided through editing ( through iMovie), specifically via transitions between shots – generally using a cross dissolve or a cross blur in order to create the feeling that memories become a blur when looking at them in retrospective, also that life becomes a blur when you are moving too rapidly. For other shots, straight cuts were used to reinforce the sometimes impending “black and white” feeling of growing up – the thin line between right and wrong, or expectations of others, something I believe profusely reflects myself and my own inner workings. The colour palate and filters I have used I believe create a sense of wistfulness, creating a romanticised outlook of myself, as majority of the shots could be interpreted as point of view shots.

I believe that the most successful part of my self-portrait is the way in which the narration throughout the middle section of the clip intertwines with the images and footage in order to create an insight into what I reflect on, and think of myself. I do not know how easy it will be to interpret the footage I have linked together, along with the audio. As it is my own self – portrait, I see relevance and meaning in everything, however others may find it irrelevant or strange to decipher. This is what I deem simultaneously a successful and unsuccessful feat, as there are moments of explicit reflection, accompanied by abstract and vague portrayals of myself. Although saying this, I believe it creates an effective juxtaposition in the construction of my own self – portrait in the eyes of others. One thing I think may have been unsuccessful is the narrative framework as such. It is an somewhat abstract piece, however I think after reflecting on it, I would have liked it to have had a slightly more structured outline, where the footage may have linked together in a more successful and smoother fashion.