Nothing is objective….and that’s the objective truth.

Is logic the only way life can be explained??? What if we understood things based on the way they made us feel?? Is logic an exhaustive method of understanding life? Yet, who was it that said logic was perfect? Is it simply because of our mind’s natural dependence on it ? Linking this back to integrated media concepts… is everything a narrative? Narrative is interpretation. I don’t believe a series of cause and effect relationships is a story unless we define it as one. Narrative, just like logic, is subjective…

Can Korsakow.

Safe to say I am a korsakow genius. Okay I’m lying BUTTT it is kneed easily usable. UMM HELL YES. i manage to make, albeit quite crap, a korsakow movie in approximately 10 minutes, thus I am super excited with the potential for an interesting non-narrative film; one that does not depend on chronological flow…

Life’s a game.

“gaming has found a way to mutate itself”-Adrian miles

Reality television is so much more than it appears. In essence, it is a game with an arbitrary set of rules results in a winner. Why else would we love it?? On this journey to the climax of the ‘hero quest’ lies a bundle of conflict, a series of over dramatization and (would u believe it) a little bit of truth. Although the acknowledgement of reality television embodying characteristics of games opens our eyes to the amount of work being such shows, it simultaneously reveals an element of honesty in the way they reflect the world. Isn’t everything a game ?? I’m certainly not Trying to bephilosophical But I always hear this ‘game of lifefor phrase and more than ever I believe reality tv to be reflective of that… Just something to think about…