Too many thoughts…

I think it’s the general consensus that blog are spaces to unload all the things that are entrapped in our minds, no matter how much you fight to ignore them. If for no other purpose than to relieve myself of some of the thoughts swiveling in my mind, then I’m satisfied. The other day I was in the car with mum and – call me a freak- but I thought I’d wave hello to a stranger in the car across from us. The bemused woman in the front seat gave an uncomfortable smile after the realisation that indeed, she had no idea who I am. Although I was doing it as a simple way of self amusement (I know, my life is the definition of awesome), it got me thinking about the way we react to people outside our social groups. Why is it, that people look at you funny if you smile at them on the street? Why is that we reject the concept of friendly human interaction with people we don’t know? Why is it we’re so trapped in this segregated mentality that the only gesture of kindness we extend is to those we are familiar with. Is simply being another human not enough of a similar characteristic to generate a simple “hello” or cordial smile? Even though there are a lot of things I haven’t made my mind about yet, I genuinely believe that the world would be a better place if we didn’t constrain ourselves to these categorical groups that isolate us from each other. You never know, an effortless smile from you could – and i know it’s somewhat extreme – perhaps change someone’s life… perhaps it would renew their faith in human kindness.


P.S  I hate to admit my being wrong however I ought to acknowledge the fact that I am just another philosophical ranter … something which I find myself (and preferably my readership ) to be okay with…

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