There’s no reason to be afraid. Or is there?

After a somewhat confusing conversation with a friend the other day, I began pondering over the notion of fear. Society has made the word so repulsively horrifying that we (myself included) have found ourselves afraid – oh, the irony- of fear itself. I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t count the amount of times I’ve been told not to be ‘afraid’ in my life. But.. can fear be a good thing? Being afraid to fail provides impetus to succeed. Being afraid to be alone pushes you to ‘get out there’ and socialise. Being afraid of losing someone encourages you to cherish the good times. It doesn’t sound very optimistic, nor will I attempt to sweeten up the following question (Whether you choose to acknowledge it as rhetorical or literal) but… in all seriousness, why can’t fear be a driving force in our lives? I am yet to answer that. Hopefully through my crazy experiences I can one day come to provide you with a somewhat honest and possibly innovative answer…







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