my method of working – part 9


Here we are after another meeting… J


Daniel and I experimented with particular details of the shot. The last take I updated had a strong bluish hue as we attempted to balance out the yellowish tones. Currently attempting to feather out the black circle as it blends it much more smoothly with the warmth of the room. The issue now that I am dealing with is how I can balance that black circle as it encloses on the frame I don’t want to have that effect whereby the audience is totally aware that this take was edited, rather some subtlety that makes you feel uneasy after watching it. To make someone feel anxious, in my opinion, is a much greater feat than to suddenly shock them. And that anxiety is left with them for a much longer period than the bang which simply exists in the moment of its happening.


We’ve chosen to work with the clips that have a little bit of a dip as opposed to a direct and clear pathway as we zoom into my face. Robin mentioned that the dip was more suspenseful as the viewer cannot totally predict where the camera will end. Initially I thought it would be effect that the camera movement was so predictable because it was a subtle technique, however, I’ve come to realize that I can be more liberal with that movement and it could enhance the suspense.


Meanwhile we are experiment with alternative soundtracks and their cohesiveness with the pacing of the camera movement…

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