I have decided this semesters project will be that of a girl sitting in an isolated chair in the centre of a white room. There will be no physical diegetic sound, rather an internal monologue from her perspective. I want to experiment with this. I feel as though assignments, because of the fact that they contribute to your class mark, inhibit any risk-taking decisions. It’s great to have an experimental avenue whereby you feel free to simply try things and then evaluate them. To create a great film is fantastic; in my eyes however to create a film with many flaws, ones that, when evaluated enlighten your understanding and thus open countless doors for further creativity, is INCREDIBLE. This is what I’m trying to do here. I’m taking my interest in the long take and experimenting its appropriate uses. I am strongly inspired by Alfred Hitchcock who himself regards that it is easy to shock but to create great intensity is difficult. I want to establish that intensity through the slow zoom of the camera that lasts the entire monologue’s length.
As I was driving into a residence the other day, I chose to record from my Iphone. Here i wanted to test out the tracking shot as opposed to the zoom that i had intended for this project. Without a crane, this is very difficult to produce however Daniel owns a crane, thereby we will attempt to use a tracking shot and compare the results. I really admire the tracking shot because as a viewer I feel I am taken inside this shot ; I become a character in this world. This shot was particularly satisfying to watch because the scenery itself of the Park was stunning. I am filming my project in a white room so I know I have to consider that there is no scenery to draw the viewer’s eye. However, I think at this point the dialogue will take the dominant position and we will filter the shot we are seeing through the words we are hearing. I have never seen a remarkably long tracking shot so I think it’s wise that I experiment with it, even if it is not satisfactory. Again, this entire process is about experimenting and then reflecting on the work to see how to improve in future.
Here is the tracking shot :