And we’re Rolling, Rolling, Rolling on a river…


Rolling- a short film.

Firstly: Great casting. I found the role of the shy, slightly awkward boy genuine in it’s reflection of human emotion. His uncomfortable pauses and frequent anxious coughs made for, although comically geeky, a three dimensional teenager. This reflects positively on the dialogue in the script. Furthermore, I feel the somewhat humiliating conversation was supplemented by the diegetic sound created by the background buzzing of the fridges in the store, which exacerbated the awkwardness of the silent moments between the exchange. I found the close up of the shelves intercut between the continual shot reverse shots within the conversation allowed for an interesting dynamic between the two characters that regulated any potential repetitiveness due to the length of the conversation. Similarly, the close ups on the male lead intensified his emotions which made him more authentic and associable. The diegetic sound of the two characters speaking was very clear and comprehensible, which reflects an attention to signal to noise ratio. I feel the central event of the toilet paper was a good decision as it creates conflict whilst remaining consistent within the world of this fictional reality within the supermarket. The motives of the characters are synonymously reasonable.  


Although the story was effectively realized through the visual and sound elements I struggled to find uniqueness in the narrative elements. The predictability of the movie somewhat undermined its creative potential. However, for the ‘boy meets girl’ cliche, the film performed successfully. Although I feel the dull lighting of the shop’s interior strongly reflected a real supermarket interior, it somewhat detracted from the scene. I feel that the filmmaker could have better echoed the infatuation that the male had with his crush through more saturated colors and brighter lighting.

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