Xanadu. Xanaduuuu.

On a particularly chilly Thursday morning, my train was cancelled. Consequently there were many glum faced people floating about asking themselves “WHYYYYY?”

There was a special old mate (let’s call him Crusty Carlisle for the purpose of this story) who caught my ear as he used the following statements to describe the situation…
“Is this what Australia has become?”
“Can’t get anything right in this bloody country”
“You’re the one who told me living here would be a good thing” (to his wife)


 Let’s be real. There was no need for Crusty Carlisle to act out like this and he really needed to simmer down. Cool his jets some may say, untwist his knickers from their knot, take a chill pill. Just calm down is the essence of what he needed to do.
It got me thinking about unnecessary angst and how little has to go wrong to ruin in the world for it to completely ruin someones day and building upon this, just how self-absorbed persons have the capacity to be.
Relevance to course:
Xanadu-man (Thomas Holm Of Literary Machines 91.1), just like Crusty Carlisle, was freaking out to a level that was just not necessary.
Whilst there was a lot of other content within the piece which is probably more relevant to the course (and I will deconstruct later don’t you worry), it was the X-Man’s view of the internet and how it would mould society in a negative way in the 2000’s (“that is if the human race even makes it that far”- Xanadu man) that made me think the most about the human condition to worry where worry is not always necessary .
The impending doom of the net was a genuinely massive fear in Xanadu man’s eyes and to his credit, I think he was valid in his worry- the internet is a crazy place and bad things can happen if not used with care and it has considerably altered the state of the modern world (more to come on this in a following bloggy p).
Besicelly, fears can be valid, but in the end you’ve just got to cool your kit because ultimately whatever happens happens and you can’t really alter the course of your life and what happens to the world.*
So to Crusty Carlise and Xanadu-Man I say, chill men.
Does this count as a course related blog post?
 Live, love & most importantly laugh,
 *Did talk just get real in here? I’m sorry. Philosophy is really impacting me.

The George-anary

Greeting my padawans.
It occurred to me through the last few bloggy p’s that a large majority of the language and lingo I use isn’t recognised by the wider world, and that you may not understand a lot of what I am saying /think i can’t spel/ won’t be able to tolerate my incessant use of abbreviation, or ‘abbreve’, as I call it.
So here is a little Georgina dictionary for your perusal if you ever feel like you need it to make sense of my nonsense.
xoxo georgia-girl.
For rel- this is a big one, it means ‘for real’. I use it ironically but also seriously. You are going to have to figure this one out for yourself. Let ‘for rel’ be whatever it will be. Don’t force it, just live it. Be, For rel.
Bangerz- this bad gal is largely thanks to that twerking genius Miley Cyrus. In my language it basically just means awesome.
acquaintance : “How good was that cheese Georgia?”
Georgia: “That cheese was simply BANGERZ friendly acquaintance”
Bad gal- Can be used to describe anything from a bad girl to a delightful slice of aged parmesan.
Old mate- this one is confusing as anyone can be old mate. And I mean anyone. Yo mum, yo grandma, yo old pal. At times I will also use it to describe objects. It’s really just a positive way of labelling someone whose name you don’t know or can’t think of in the moment. Classic old mate.
Lol & giggles & wink faces- ALWAYS used ironically. I stress this point more than I stress the importance of believing in yourself.
‘Believe in yourself’ and other corny quotes– make of these what you will. Mainly I am ‘taking the micky’, but there is a deep and hidden truth beneath them. So take the corny quotes as a joke, but also you should believe in yourself, so maybe listen to them if you’re feeling a little down ya know? You are a beautiful person.
Anyway that is enough insight into my mind for one morning, if you need anything else clarified just shoot me a message (I think this is possible) and I’ll hook you up with the meaning of whatever don’t make-a the sense-a.
Don’t stop believin,


The Essay is good.

The importance of the essay and its relevance beyond schooling and into the ‘real world’*, was an alarmingly real conversation held in class today.

High school was marred by the disruptive kids in English class who demanded to know “why we needed to write this sh*t if like we are never even going to use it in the real world?”

 At times I felt their pain but at other times I was just like “mate, don’t disrupt the whole class because I’m a goody two shoes/suck up and want to get an A+ on dis essay bchz”.
Having now left the high school bubble and graduated to the far grander university bubble, I have learned that the relevance of the essay is in fact paramount- those teachers who claimed our learning through essay was important weren’t lying.
The essay prepares you to work under time constraints and to adhere to prescribed criteria, but it allows the formation of a holistic and sound argument by acknowledging multiple perspectives and in turn understanding your own.
Whilst blogging is fun and games, ultimately, I am able to blabby mc blab about any old thang that pops into my gooey thinking box**. Conversely, the essay is a far more thought out process that requires careful consideration and investment.
And so the moral of this story for all of you essay hating 16 year olds out there, is that the essay turns out to be a mighty fine tool for navigating life and for developing sound reasoning and understanding skills.
Essays forever,
Papa G
*I just got out of a philosophy class and have no idea what that is anymore- are we just dreaming? How do we know the world is not a dream we have yet to awoken from? I highly recommend not studying philosophy if you like the world and your understanding of it the way it is- for real lets all just have a tea together and be mellow and just rest our thinking minds.
**the brain obviously you goose

Course related banter, feat. embracing yourself

Howdy partners.
The internet is so crazy.
Who’s with me?
Today it struck me, virtually like cupids arrow* that I know virtually nothing about the virtual world (say virtual again).
For reals.
How it works baffles my tiny mind- sure I’m a small town gal who can explore the depths of Wikipedia and I know my way around the Facebook (stalking is ma forte ya’llllllll), but do I know how it all works? How it REAAALLLY works?
The answer is no.
What even is HTML?
This course is going to be a blast of a time for a technically disadvantaged soul like myself. But you know what? I embrace the challenge. I EMBRACE IT in the same way I embrace the man on the train right now who has taken it upon himself to greet everybody who gets on and off the train with a charming “good evening”.
What a lord.
Good spirit and a happy smile are all a person needs to get through the tough times- these times no doubt to be brought upon me by this techno crazay course.
So some advice from your girl G? Just have a good time being you- everybody else is taken.
How did I get here?
Ah yes- if you have something in your life that you are inadequate at just embrace it.
Forever in your heart,
Georgia ‘goodtimes’ King
*hard but also gently so that it was kind of enjoyable

Books vs The Internet.

Conversations of the qualities of books and their similarities to the internet were ever so exciting in class last Thursday. The argument was baffling for a non-tech lover like myself, who favours the tangible (book) to the intangible (internet).

 Of course I would be lying if I said that the internet was not my friend at times- life is certainly enhanced by its presence and I am able to know almost anything I desire instantaneously with the click of a few buttons.
But the ‘net’ isn’t integral to existence and I get frustrated with people who struggle to function without it for extended periods of time. i.e. my 16 year old brother who cannot go a dinner with his grandparents without checking it.
Georgia fumes. How did I get here? Tangent. Sorry.
We spoke of the way in which books have a clear start and an end, whilst the internet is infinite and has no visible end point.
Thinking of the comparison between the two led me to think of all the books I have left unfinished in my time due to lack of interest or poor writing- in leaving these book behind I wasn’t allowing their author to have their whole say and prove to me that the story they are telling was worthy of my time.
As a result the story I received was not the one the author intended- I started at the intended origin but did not finish at the authors chosen destination- similar to the way the internet works.
Books are solid and hardworking- they have no hidden agendas- they are there for your entertainment, for your brain and for your heart (giggles).
The internet on the other hand, is like an old boyfriend. Sure, a good kisser (or the internet equivalent of a good source of info) but often unreliable and just a bit of a dick (how often have you used information from wikipedia and it’s proven false?)- yeah plenty of times- thanks a lot unqualified expert on INSERT HERE field.
Also sometimes you spill water on your technology and the internet doesn’t work anymore. How helpful is that? Not very.
So what I am saying is, yes we have a new platform for research and good times but let us not forget the humble book and its multitude of assets.
Books forever,
GK Rowling


WARNING: This post got a little too real for my liking. If you don’t like it, that’s okay. We can still be friends.
There are two kinds of dreams. Dreams that occur whilst asleep and those that occur whilst you are awake (aspirations some may say). Let’s have a talk about the aspiration-y kind of dreams… the ones that can sometimes be hard to commit to.
As a twenty year old gal, I feel experienced in the field of navigating dreams and sorting through which ones are manageable and which ones are not. Primary school equips you with the basics of who you are going to be and high school sees you push yourself and really see who you are to become/have the potential to be- at an intellectual level at least.
When I was five I wanted to be a doctor- I had a toy stethescope and used it intently on my baby born when she was sick. At ten my dream morphed into a musical one, where I willed to be a pop star. I had a terribly deep voice for a seven year old that scared my own mother so that dream faded fast.
The pro netballer, soccer player, hair dresser and female tradie dreams all crossed my mind at some point or another in my younger years, but it wasn’t until high school that my dreams became a little more realistic.
Dreams that are border line realistic seem to be the ones hardest to strive for. These are the goals that are beyond what you know you can easily achieve and consequently require work, passion and commitment. But like so many other things in life, committing wholly to one cause, person, event, can cause heartache if it does not turn out the way we desired.
Fear of failing I am ashamed to admit holds me back at times. I then get frustrated with myself as deeming yourself incapable completely defeats any chance you ever had at achieving that which you want.
By giving yourself a chance you will at least have a shot at achieving what you want to.
Conversely, I never saw the point in parents and guidance councillers explaining to children and adolescents that they could “do anything they set their mind to”, because lez-be-honest, that’s just not true.
Example: Science + George= failure.
It’s sad but it’s true. Despite all of the determination in the world chemistry was a subject in school that never made sense to me and all of the assistance in the world wouldn’t have changed that.
So George never did become a doctor. Much to her five year old selfs dismay.
This notion begs the question- How do you know you are capable and should back yourself, without being a complete fool and striving for something out of reach when you would be quite competent at some other job or dream?
Please help. Not only me but all of those souls out there who are unsure whether they are selling themselves short or setting themselves up for failure- all whilst wasting the meantime on talking instead of doing.
Keep it tight but also real,
Geo K

sym-pose-e-yum: a tale of transformation.

Life was once simple for young Georgia King.

 Everyday she would get up, pop on her dancing shoes and munch down some tasty b*.
Typically, on a Tuesday, she would then hop on the train at the ever trustworthy Frankston Station.
Whilst on the train ride, Georgia would peer out the window, gazing at the beauty of the world.
 It is good.
Then she would usually walk into her same old lecture featuring a powerpoint and a whole lot of inattentive youths.
But stop. Just wait. Everything for Georgia changed when she walked into that lecture room.
A new way of learning collided in to Georgia’s world in the same way the love of my life soon will.
Now there is a whole new world.
A world where tutors debate and communicate and and and students get to listen and stuff but also ask questions.
Everything has changed.
Keep on dreamin’,
Your pal symposium George
*tasty breakfast- usually muesli and yogurt mmm tasty, delish and nutrish!

#week two reading



sourced from:  https://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeblogs/


This week I was blessed to learn all there is to know (sort of) about copyright and the limitations that it imposes upon using other peoples work as well as the access others have to our work.

Did you know that as soon as a work is published on the internet it is protected by copyright? WHAAAAT? Me either. Gosh it’s interesting. I could talk about it all day.

In all seriousness, breaching copyright laws can have serious consequences which is why it is important to credit the original sources of ‘borrowed’ materials.

Copyright serves the purpose of protecting the work of people. For real. As a lady who strives to be something in this media industry it is comforting to know that there is protection for my ideas and works.

Someday somebody may stumble across this marvellous blog and wish to pinch a little something something without my permission- this somebody will not do so without punishment.

Burn baby burn.

Your always,

Georgia King

copyright georgia king 2014

G’day fellaz

Hey world. Today marks my first venture into the land of blog. The internet and the George have not always been the best of pals- nor has any source of technology. I am in fact, writing to you on my new amazing Mac Book Pro, identical to the other one I had that I spilled water on. It doesn’t work anymore. Which is why I have this new, amazing and most importantly, dry laptop. So thought I’d let you know a little bit about myself because if you are reading this you may read some other potentially interesting but ultimately mundane entries over the course of the next few months of me at uni, and maybe even beyond through to life as a fully fledged adult.

So. My first name is Georgia. My middle name is Louise. And the last is King. Georgia Louise King is the name, writing’s the game. At least I wish it to be one day. Right now my only published work is this blog. But a girl can dream and this one most certainly does. Other note worthy things about me include my love of food, specifically of dairy products, even more specifically of cheese. I also run a lot, which I like to think counteracts the love of cheese but I am not wholly convinced. I ran a marathon the other weekend (my first, good on me) and it was not that easy. I ate some cheese that afternoon. Then i dropped some on the floor. I couldn’t bend down as my body was wrecked so I had to leave the cheese on the ground where it lay. This was one of the toughest times of my life. Seeing the cheese, but not being able to grasp the cheese. It could reach me, but I couldn’t reach it.
So that’s a little about me. Please come on this funky journey with me as I learn to articulate the intricacies of life in a legible fashion. No breakthroughs will be made, no incredibly deep thought either. Just a gal and her dry keyboard taking on the days as best a twenty something can. Nothing special. Just George giving it a go.
sourced from : https://www.flickr.com/photos/cathou/