A Daughters Thanks

Just wanted to give a quick shout out to my mum-
She has been away with her husband (and my father) for a solid 4 weeks in Europe like some kind of lord and left we, the kids, to fend for ourselves and survive.
One of the tasks amongst many was to change my sheets-
yeah my mum changes mine don’t judge me I’m only 20.
So I had to get this done before she came back- change the sheets at least once so she would know I had made an effort.
Turns out, this is no easy feat.
In fact it was harder than my year 12 health exam (gags that shouldn’t be a subject).
It took me about half an hour to fit the sheet on the bed which was hard enough, but then i had to put my doona in a new cover and this was really the point that hell broke loose.
I stepped back, just minding my own business, and out of nowhere my favourite pillow slides under my footing and it rips.
And so did my heart.
I’ve had that pillow since my own conception (wot) and now its gone. Just like so many other things in my life (jus kidding my life is peachy).
So here’s to my mum, for changing my sheets and not ripping my pillows.
bless you & welcome home,
the favourite child.

Someone else. feat fashwan gomez.

Today, on this bright and sunny day, I am going to deconstruct some fellow bloggers blogs, because that’s what old mate elliot instructed us to do and I aim to please.
Also I am offended that Adrien hasn’t cited any of my amazing epiphanies related to the course in his frequent blog posts about the class.
I’m not an academic, just a small town girl trying to figure it all out you know? Just give me a chance to express myself and I know you won’t regret it 😉
Anyway back to it.
So I browsed a couple of bloggy p’s from various people and was, in all, impressed with the classes consideration of hypertext and its implications on we, the human race.
It was good.

My favourite piece of advice yielded from my perusal was that of the young, talented and simply delicious (am I right fellas?) Felicia Gomez, cousin and good friend of Selena.
 Bad girl selena getting frisky with some balloons.
“reading others work helps them but also enhances your own
amen sista.
She also included some real and relevant quotes from everyones favourite home boy Shrek.
It’s safe to say Felicia is my kind of woman.
Deconstruction of another blog complete.
Don’t forget to smile, it’s easier than frowning because you don’t use as many muscles. And that’s what it’s all about. Is smiling the lazy mans frown? How will I know if you are happy or just plagued with disgust when you look at me?
Something to ponder and to wonder,

Small town techno fool begs forgiveness.

Im a techno hater- we all know it. I’ve told you about 89 times now. I like to think of it as a little quirk of mine, but really I just sound like a whiney nuisance.
However, in light of the many tragic occurrences of late I decided to reflect on all that is good about the cyber world and specifically hypertext because that it what this course is about and that is what I am being graded on even though I often forget this and write random stuff instead of intelligent stuff. Stuff.
So here goes…
Hypertext, my old buddy. I give you grief don’t I pal? You play up on me all the time and sometimes you link me to places that I don’t even want to go but you just take me there anyway because it’s what you do.
I just want to take this moment to thank you for making my life, particularly my assignment life at uni, a little bit easier, by allowing me to browse the information I need at my perusal and then even helping me out by allowing me to visit related sites and articles when I didn’t even ask you. You’re like a mind reader at times and I really don’t give you enough credit or love.
Thank you for allowing me to reflect on the importance of the written word.
Thank you for extending my limited intelligence beyond where I ever thought possible.
Thank you for acting as an extension of myself just as the hammer acts as the extended arm of the tradesmen, as the spoon the stirrer of the chef and the sword the weapon of the knight (Jay David Bolter, 1991, pg 41). wot?
Today I say thanks.
Gracias amigo,

To be or not to be? That maybe wasn’t the question.

In his chapter on hard and soft structures JDV speaks of the way the works of Shakespeare, Plato and Chaucer have been rewritten in their translation and consequently the work that we are reading is not the original but rather an adaptation to suit our needs of consumption.
What if Romeo and Juliet actually weren’t star crossed lovers but were just really avid star gazers and what Willy Shakes actually meant to convey was that stars are great? WOT IF?
The chances are slim but the modification of ancient texts is a little alarming for a gal who spent hours upon hours deconstructing many texts by Shakespeare in VCE and a couple from Plato too.
Does this alter the shape of learning? Instead of learning of the beautiful and pure language of past are we merely memorising words that kinda mean the same thing but offer a different over all meaning?
Further does translation from the Chinese language into English alter the content and the way that work is consequently digested? Yes I think it does considerably.
I have touched on the alteration of language in a couple of previous blog posts and it is quite an interesting little exploration.
Food for thought.
Keep it tight,
Georgia Kingspeare


Jay David Bolter (JDV.) presented a series of interesting ideas in his work on the history of writing..

The first of these ideas I wish to discuss a wee bit, is that of the longevity of the written word. JDV states clearly that the chief advantage of the ancient forms of text recording (writing on stone and wet clay) is that they have lasted for thousands of years and have provided future generations with an understanding of that which came before them.

These ancient processes were certainly clever and our pals from the extremely olden days did a great job with what they had- but it makes me wonder about the longevity of todays written word, and even of the spoken word.

In todays world much of what people write online becomes permanent without their knowledge/understanding of it. This becomes dangerous for obvious reasons as nearly anyone with access to the internet can find out what they need to about another person and their life. Therefore our words are forever to be associated with our cyber selves and consequently our real life selves, and this in its self is quite a scary prospect.

Just as we have discovered the histories of thousands of years ago through the visual recording of words and symbols, I wonder if in another 2000 years someone will find my online scribblings and use them to determine what life was like in the year 2014 for a 20 something…

Will people care at all?

Will language still exist?

Will the internet merely be an archaic method of research?

These questions are pressing but also not really my problem- the year 4014 can sort this gear out.

I’ll just be haunting y’all.

Well this was a boring post.

Love to your mum,

Somber George

Young girl tributes her faves.

Chai lattes– you guys are some tasty bchz. Even though you make me feel overwhelmed by sweetness at times, I love you like my own son and not a day goes by that I don’t will you into my belly. But a gal has to resist. Absence makes the heart grow fonder sugar.x
Mango– I miss you man. You always appear out of nowhere and we have this amazing summer together and then you just leave with no warning. You break my heart again and again but I can’t help but return to you. Yeah I’ve tried frozen and canned, but who are we kidding? I need you mango and only you, with your luscious flesh and sweet aroma. Come back to me. Come back.
Avocado– I want to smear you all over my body sometimes. all the time
Yogurt– sometimes you’re sweet and sometimes you’re sour, but that’s okay baby- I love you anyway. Whenever you need somewhere to go I’m here for you baby. Yeah granola on top would be nice, but I take you as you are girl, natural and delicious just the way you are. Come inside my belly pouch.
Smoothies– you own the key to my heart girl. Whenever I’m having a bad day I can rely on you to sweeten it up with your natural goodness. I’m not talking about green smoothies-that sh*t nasty. I’m talking about you artificially sweetened dairy drink that claims to be healthy. All you.
Cheese– there are no words. But to quote bad girl Miley Cyrus, “we’re meant to be in holy matrimony, God knew exactly what he was doing, when he led me to you… I adore you.”
What? I don’t have problems. You have problems.
Trust in sparkles,
Mr G x
Berry good.

Berry good.

source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ndayla/

A sad girl in a sad world.

Other peoples blogs are significantly better and more relevant to the course than mine. Not only have I learned of my fellow students brilliance, but I have also realised that some of my interpretations of the readings were not solid and pretty much just wrong at many points in time.

I am inspired now to be more srs and try and explore the questions posed by readings, class and the symposium at a deeper level.

I feel like I’ve let you down.

Love me?

Gee Gee



sourced from:https://www.flickr.com/photos/myriamba/

A poem. A girl. A journey.


I find eating a breeze,
My favourite nibble is cheese.

I don’t like cats,
They smell and are annoying.

My orange pants are bright,
But my black ones are a bit tight.

Yeah I could try and eat less,
Or I could just accept that this is my best (ooh deep).

Dancing is my happy place,
My disco grooves would put a smile on your face.

I’m really bad at poems,
I don’t like them really they frustrate me when they don’t rhyme.

David Bowie is a lord,
Ch ch changes.

– Georgia King 2014


sourced from:file:///Users/Georgia/Downloads/5811600734_162b7f9d78_o.jpg

A small town girls frustration.

There are only a few things that grind my gears in this world- unnecessary rudeness, centipedes and when there’s not enough cheese. Apart from the cheese trouble, the largest annoyance in my perfect and pointless little world is that of the Facebook. Or should I say ‘look at my face book’


But for rel The Facebook grinds my gears so hard. So hard. When reading of Xanadu mans fears of how the internet would influence the state of humanity (see previous blog), I laughed initially and then wrote a bloggy p about how fears can be irrational and we all just need to cool it.

Upon further consideration however, I realised that old pal xanadu wasn’t that far off the mark with his seemingly outlandish claims. The developed world (maybe not in the chaotic state he described) is certainly damaged in ways it wasn’t prior to the nets arrival. Facebook strikes me as a particularly destructive part of society at the moment.

Sure it can be used for good and raising awareness and bla bla bla but I want to talk about the bad stuff so you can just pipe down and listen to my anti-book rant. (But you don’t have to. I’ll still love you if you have more important things on)

In essence, FB exists as a social tool for the purpose of self promotion. Its chief use is to broadcast achievement, beauty, humour and so on. This sounds harmless and in fact quite a good thing when first considered. However on the FB all we are baring witness to is other peoples highlight reels and in turn all we truly expose are own.

Realistically it is a very self absorbed activity that really only excludes and makes people feel lesser by comparing themselves to other Facebook personas, who typically aren’t an accurate representation of the genuine artefact.

I could write a thesis on this gear. A thesis. I could be a doctor of hating Facebook. Thats how strong the hate is. However, I still have an account. I know what you’re thinking- “George you are a boob. How can you rant so aggressively ( sort of) and still posses the devilish Facebook?”

Well in short, inquisitive soul, I would argue that society now requires it. Uni, my netball club and my workplace all function around it’s existence and without it communication would be a whole lot more difficult.

We are dependent on this intangible thing to organise our lives but also in utilising this service can become sucked in to the self loathing nature of comparison that the site feeds off and I would suggest that we are worse off for it’s existence.

So the Xanadu man was both right and wrong- the net wasn’t as bad an occurrence as he saw it to be, but it still unearthed a whole new world of negativity.

Not sure if my point is clear but I gave it a shot and sometimes in life ya just got to try ya know?

Respect yourself and others,


(My year 5 email account that is still in use today. No hate please)

getting jiggy to some simple shaggy.

Interesting lotions and potions were prevalent throughout week three’s b.media workshop- posing the positives and the negatives of both the book and the internet was immensely thought provoking.

If you weren’t there, don’t be too jealous- it wasn’t that amazing. To be honest,  I would have preferred to be doing something else like getting my jiggy on to some simple shaggy. But uni isn’t always about fun and games and sometimes a gals gotta grow up and try to absorb what is being taught at uni. (Am I allowed to say this about class? If not please disregard <3 )

Besicelly, this consideration and others sprouted from reading of the ‘Xanadu Project’, which allowed me to think about the alteration in language that has occurred as a result of the internets rise.
Itz all pre-t cray tbh.
The relatively new world of the internet has unearthed a whollllleeee new language full of abbreviation, slang and symbols that no longer mean what they used to. Recently I even read that the scrabble dictionary has accepted words created from the internets rise such as ‘frenemy’ and other slang words I cat think of right now which is really helpful.
Wtf. omg. #whattheswag?
The question this formed in my mind was how much more distorted will language become in the following years and will it be a positive thing for humanity or a negative- are we doomed to forever be abbreviating bogans?
Flpn hope not aye?
Swaggers gonna swag,
Bad girl g-g