Month: August 2014
The private parts.
A Daughters Thanks
Someone else. feat fashwan gomez.
Small town techno fool begs forgiveness.
To be or not to be? That maybe wasn’t the question.
Jay David Bolter (JDV.) presented a series of interesting ideas in his work on the history of writing..
The first of these ideas I wish to discuss a wee bit, is that of the longevity of the written word. JDV states clearly that the chief advantage of the ancient forms of text recording (writing on stone and wet clay) is that they have lasted for thousands of years and have provided future generations with an understanding of that which came before them.
These ancient processes were certainly clever and our pals from the extremely olden days did a great job with what they had- but it makes me wonder about the longevity of todays written word, and even of the spoken word.
In todays world much of what people write online becomes permanent without their knowledge/understanding of it. This becomes dangerous for obvious reasons as nearly anyone with access to the internet can find out what they need to about another person and their life. Therefore our words are forever to be associated with our cyber selves and consequently our real life selves, and this in its self is quite a scary prospect.
Just as we have discovered the histories of thousands of years ago through the visual recording of words and symbols, I wonder if in another 2000 years someone will find my online scribblings and use them to determine what life was like in the year 2014 for a 20 something…
Will people care at all?
Will language still exist?
Will the internet merely be an archaic method of research?
These questions are pressing but also not really my problem- the year 4014 can sort this gear out.
I’ll just be haunting y’all.
Well this was a boring post.
Love to your mum,
Somber George
Young girl tributes her faves.
A sad girl in a sad world.
Other peoples blogs are significantly better and more relevant to the course than mine. Not only have I learned of my fellow students brilliance, but I have also realised that some of my interpretations of the readings were not solid and pretty much just wrong at many points in time.
I am inspired now to be more srs and try and explore the questions posed by readings, class and the symposium at a deeper level.
I feel like I’ve let you down.
Love me?
Gee Gee
sourced from:
A poem. A girl. A journey.
I find eating a breeze,
My favourite nibble is cheese.
I don’t like cats,
They smell and are annoying.
My orange pants are bright,
But my black ones are a bit tight.
Yeah I could try and eat less,
Or I could just accept that this is my best (ooh deep).
Dancing is my happy place,
My disco grooves would put a smile on your face.
I’m really bad at poems,
I don’t like them really they frustrate me when they don’t rhyme.
David Bowie is a lord,
Ch ch changes.
– Georgia King 2014
sourced from:file:///Users/Georgia/Downloads/5811600734_162b7f9d78_o.jpg