First Soundscape Musings

I’ve found this assignment to be virtually pain-free so far which, as most university students will know, is rare for a group project. Superhero Paige recorded all of our sounds on Friday, Grace the Champion wrote and recorded our script this morning and I edited and mixed it all together this afternoon.

We have yet to polish off the draft soundscape but with more than 17 hours until the product is due, I’m thrilled with our progress. I wish the individual tasks could have been completed more collaboratively – if only for the valuable input of my fellow media-savvy team mates, but given the timeframe I think we’ve done a pretty darn good job.

The only thing I’m worried about at this point is whether our decision to explore the ontology of a whole room (Paige’s kitchen, to be precise) instead of a single commodity or concept will compromise our ability to carefully and intricately capture the essence of the subject…

I don’t know how I’ll answer this concern but if or when I do, I’ll let you know.