Participation Template Update #3

What a week!

I almost reached my goal of five blog posts, I managed to finish chapters one and two of Bogost, I took notes galore AND allocated a whole day specifically to my studies. Not a bad start to a new Participation Template but I know there’s still plenty of room for improvement.

Quantitive goals for the week (in list form, for obvious reasons) :
– FIVE new blog posts by this time next week.
– Actively (verbally) contribute to class AT LEAST TWICE per class.
– Read ONE more chapter of Bogost AND read Shield OR Ingold.
– Make ONE PAGE of notes per class.
– Maintain ONE DAY free of social or work commitments.

And though it is not an item on my Participation Template, next week I vow not to be late to class…

Pat on the back Gen, you’re getting there.

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