Participation Template Update #4

I want to take a moment to respectfully retract the pat on the back I awarded myself in my last Participation Template Update – the past fortnight has been a shocker in terms of meeting my participation template goals.

In my defence, I have had the added pressure of three separate assignments due in that time (all the while battling my way through the first flu of the season), but I acknowledge that improvement in reaching my goals is critical if I want to make the most out of this class.

So here we are again! My new list of quantitive goals for the week:
– THREE new blog posts by this time next week.
– Actively (verbally) contribute to class AT LEAST TWICE per class.
– Read ONE chapter of Alien Phenomenology
– Make ONE PAGE of notes per class.
– Maintain ONE DAY free of social or work commitments.

I reduced the number of blog posts I aim to complete this week because I hope that by making my goals more achievable, I will be able to accomplish and then build on them.

Here we go, Gen. You can do it.

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