Another thing to consider on my quest to finding my creative voice is “creative style”. Everyone has a different idea of what creativity and art is to them. So obviously, my version of those things is going to be different to my fellow students. This revelation made me consider what I define as creativity – what is my creative style?
Personally, I think of media (and art) as a way of reaching out to others. It’s a way of participating in society, or a community. It’s a way to communicate with others and also a way in which others can communicate with you (because in media – particularly modern media – consumers and producers are one in the same). For me, creativity provides a bridge between me and other people. It’s a way of building a relationship with those around me.
I also know that I hold the opinion of others in high regard. When I show people my work, or something that I’ve made, I can be quite sensitive about criticism. I need to learn to distance myself from the result and simply just allow others (and myself) to enjoy it and feel a part of it – without it reflecting on me personally. What I really want, is for others to see the good in me. I want them to share in my journey and I want to show them something that is important to me.
For me, creativity allows you to feel part of the world. So let the show begin! I just need to make sure that my work (and life) doesn’t depend on the applause.
Until then,
Rose @)—