These are my notes on the week 9 lecture on Audiences. I’m so excited about having hand written notes, I really feel like this could be hugely beneficial for me. When I was scanning them to put them online I went over them again and highlighted bits that I thought were important.
I used three different colours for different meanings –
Green: Important point
Yellow: Very interested in this topic, could be blog post material
Blue: Will need help clarifying this idea
I’m hoping that the colour coding will help me when I go to review my notes as it will draw attention to certain things. I also hope that by highlighting the things I don’t quite understand, when I’m in the tutorials it will be easier to ask for help; something that I desperately need to learn how to do.
So here are my notes from lecture 9!
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I’m looking forward to uploading more fabulous hand written notes!
Until then,
Rose @)—