Recording a 5 minute audio essay may not seem like the most complicated of tasks. One might even assume that it would not take very long at all. But I can assure you, it is 100000 times more complicated and time consuming than you would imagine.
Once my group and I collated our individual scripts and discussed ideas for possible add ins, we agreed it was time to start recording. So we all headed down to the media centre in Building 9 to borrow a microphone and find a room to record in. That all went rather smoothly, the men that we spoke to were very friendly and helpful 🙂
When we arrived at the room there was some fluffing around while we got set up, made sure we had our scripts in front of us and the mic was ready to go. But now, this was a Friday afternoon.. The sillys had certainly kicked in and it took us a long time to concentrate on the task at hand. After watching numerous videos of cats barking like dogs (which was adorable but sadly not relevant) we buckled down to get the recordings we needed.
I was glad we were in one of the quite rooms of the editing suits, meaning that there was no outside noise or other people that would interrupt our recordings. In the past I have had a lot of issues with this kind of thing so I was very thankful that this wasn’t even a factor this time.
We made our first recordings, although I feel they were very rough. None of us had really practiced our speeches out loud before, and as weird as it sounds, reading out loud is hard. In order to get the clarity and perfect pace needed for this kind of task it became clear that practicing was going to be necessary. Although we still decided to record to the best of our abilities then and make a rough cut of all of them together. We could always re-record later if need be.
Honestly I think we were all feeling the pressure a bit. With the video component of this assignment as well as all our other classes leading into the end of semester it can be difficult to juggle everything we need to do. I don’t want to hand in something I feel like is a rough cut. Hopefully we can find some time in the next two weeks to really polish it up.
Until then,
Rose @)—