Weekend of the 30th

The aim of the project is to explore the concept of Point of View and to a further extent to discover if it is possible to change POVs within a singular shot. In order to do this I will shoot three different situations in which different and changing POVs are explored. The first scene will start with a first person POV that the subject will walk into to make it an Over the Shoulder Shot. The second will explore following a moving subject to see how the POV is effected. The final is a scene of two people interacting and the POV changing from one of the subjects to the other through the moment of the camera. This will be conducted over three nights of the weekend.

Plan for the week:


No camera rolling, using the actors to block out the exact shots and frames using an iPhone to create a storyboard and shot list with stills.


Shoot the three scenes in the planned way using the shot list and storyboard to the letter. Nutting out any problems, and  trying to perfect the shots by re-doing ones that are not working.


Do the same scenes as again. If they were working the previous night do the same thing again with more finesse and if they were not working consider exploring other options to execute the same idea.