I recently saw a film that was very good! However there was one part that I wasn’t quite sure what the director was trying to do. It was the climax of the story and everything was getting very intense, as it was a thriller. A scene began situated in a pool, the lighting was incredible, the music was brilliant, the location was extremely cool, the acting was great, the storyline was interesting, however I felt as though I had seen the scene before, it was just a bit ‘mergh’.
Everything was set up for it to be the most powerful moment of the film, however for me, this did not happen. One a wider note, the scene did not progress the film or enhance it in any way. We were left in the exact same position as we were before the scene. Sometimes this happens in films, but when you take the scene out to view it on it’s own it is a powerful entity on its own. This was not the case for this scene. I just found that it was a bit boring and that is had been done a million times before. There were no interesting or exciting shots or coverage of the content. This made me think to my first idea for this scene; I basically wanted to make something ‘pretty’.
With enough practice and the right instruction manual anyone can make a shot look good, I am now realizing that what can make a scene even more powerful is that if it is covered and captured in a unique and interesting way. This is the direction I would like to take my final scene.
I am not sure exactly what I mean by this, but I want to capture something in a new way. I will need to come back to exactly what this means.
I still want to make my shot look good, I am not giving up on that inspiration, however that is not going to be the main focus of my scene, I now see that I was thinking too small for this scene could become.