Having a few days to plan and think about the scene we made on our own time helped me a lot. Event though I wasn’t really sitting down and planning out exactly how I was going to shoot and edit it, just thinking about it when walking to uni, or on the tram on the way to work, ideas came to me that wouldn’t have had I not had this time. This did not exactly mean that my shooting was better than it would have been had we done this exercise in with a time pressure, it merely means I prompted myself to do something different than your average basic shots to cover the scene.
In the end I was annoyed at myself with this scene. I ended up trying something a bit different with half of the scene but didn’t commit to it fully. In the end the idea I had was a long single shot shifting point of view throughout the scene (wanting to try out some ideas I had come up with through my methodology posts). I wasn’t 100% sure about the idea so decided to try and shoot both my interesting idea and a basic set up just in case I didn’t like my original idea. This lead to be doing a half assed job on both ideas and having to make a weird mix of them both in my final edit as neither had a full scene in them. Thinking back I wish I had backed my idea more and committed to it fully, even if it had of been a massive fail, at least I would have learnt more from it than just being disappointed with my end edit.