Film Originality

There is an idea that I heard saying that every story line has been told in all the film that have been created in the past and therefore the only original stories to tell are futuristic. I don’t know true this is, however it has caused me to me to consider the importance of originality when it comes to filmmaking. It is what makes the audience engage with the film that they are watching. This originality doesn’t need to be a new story line, or a new genre, if you are creating a film that is similar to one that have been created before, it is important to put your own touch on it. I think that the most exciting way this can be done is through an innovative and creative way of shooting the film. The work we have been doing in the scene has shown me that the simplest of camera moves, or shot angels that have come up in class through experimentation, are the things that could make the difference between ‘another main stream Hollywood film’ and a new and exciting film that has not been seen before. This is an exciting thing to be thinking about while researching through practice in class.

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