Film TV reflection 5 qu. 2

At the beginning of Film/TV 2 this semester we were asked what we wished to gain from the course. My response to this was mainly to gain a better understanding of the technical side of the film process. As well as expanding my knowledge of what is needed to produce a documentary film. When it comes to learning about the process of producing a documentary, it was impossible to partake in this course without gaining a solid knowledge in the subject; so I am extremely happy with that aspect of what I gained from this course.

I am also happy with how I took on the challenge of technical roles, when my strengths are in the organisational roles of film making. Last semester I found that I lacked any true understanding of sound or filming. This semester I feel as though, while still not being the best sound technician or DOP I now have the skills and knowledge to do the job. I feel as though this course has given me a solid knowledge and understanding of the theoretical side of film making as well as proving me with extremely good piratical experience.

These are the main things I wished to gain from the course this semester and therefore I feel as though this semester has been a huge success for me!


Film TV Reflection 5 qu. 1

This is the original screen shot of the first shot Hannah and I colour graded:

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The first screen shot of a colour graded shot is when we used the three way colour corrector to change the shadows, mid tones and highlights to pink and red colours. This caused the shot to become warmer while also making the shot seem kind of scary!

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On the second go we had at changing this shot, we used the three way colour corrector again, but this time changed the shadows, mid tones and highlights to blue colours, creating an extremely cold feel to the shots.

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Here is the original screen shot of the second clip we played with the colour grading.  When editing this shot, we focused more on playing with the brightness and contrast, and how changing the two made dramatic changes.

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The first shot shows when we lowered the brightness and increased the contrast, creating a very gloomy and mysterious shot.

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The second time we did the opposite, lowering the contrast and increasing the brightness. this created and very light and washed out shot.

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When playing with the colour grading, we used extreme examples of each to try and gain a better understanding of what each setting did, rather than making changes we would actually include in our film.