Film and tv reflection 4 qu 3

Something that intrigues me about the clip is the use of music and close up shots. The combinations of the fast passed music and the clips of the fast moving traffic creates an intense feel that draws you in and makes you want to see more and see what the documentary is about. The fact that the shots of the traffic are close up also creates an intensity and unease as you cannot see the cars approaching, they just appear speeding through the shot.

Film and TV reflection 4 QU2

Some of the short cuts in Adobe Premiere that I think are extremely useful are:

1. The nudge clip ones:

– Nudge Clip Selection Left Five Frames: Shift+Cmd+Left

– Nudge Clip Selection Left One Frame: Cmd+Left

– Nudge Clip Selection Right Five Frames: Shift+Cmd+Right

– Nudge Clip Selection Right One Frame: Cmd+Right

I am terrible at moving clips just a frame or two one way, this short cuts makes this process precise and easy!

2. The simple Selection key: V. The best and most useful short cut there is

3. Creating a new bin to sort the footage. The main task we have to complete at the moment is sorting through hours of footage that we have and categorising it into different topics. Cmd+/


4. I aslo think the Add Edit to all Tracks could be helpful in editing our footage as many of the clips have the same problems and we could add the fix to all of them at once. Shift+Cmd+K